My Super sweeties

by Suzy

I Have three kids 11, 6,and 3. After reading this I must admit at least 2 if not all three seem to be afflicted with one or more sensory disorders.

My 2 boys 3 & 6 seem to be the most obvious. I have been through a full day of testing at the autism clinic at OHSU for my 6 year old. Because it was not autism they gave very little answer to our sons dilemma but they did give me a $2000 bill for their services.

My biggest concern is what is causing this in our children now more than ever. I have always suffered from depression and anxiety, Could it be the medication I was taking during pregnancy and while breastfeeding?

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Sep 29, 2008
I think its genetics
by: Anonymous

I don't know a whole lot about this just yet, but I doubt it was any meds you took while pregnant.
I didn't take any meds while pregnant, except my vitamins, some iron and in the last few days I finally took something to help my severe heartburn, and my daughter displays many of the traits of spd. The OT we saw refused to diagnose her with spd because he doesn't like to label but I got the feeling that if he did give a diagnoses that's what it would be.

I am on the opposite end of the scale from my daughter, shes more over sensitive and i am more under, but i do have areas where I'm over and she has areas where shes under. also my mother, while she was never assessed is very sensitive to many things. I believe this is more genetic then environmental.

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