My Son's first Perfect Spiral Throw

My son was diagnosed with SPD two years ago and it was a relief... finally I could help him, understand him and learn to appreciate his "quirks".

He is a sensory seeker with proprioception (rough and tumble, all the way!) He has been dying to play any sport but I was terrified to sign him up because I didn't want him to become frustrated; after careful consideration, I decided on football for various reasons. He doesn't start practice till August and we have been practicing throwing and catching a football.

Tonight, my child, who six months ago, couldn't find his zipper, much less button his pants, threw a perfect spiral toss AND caught the football wonderfully. It was, for me, the best moment to see the look of sheer delight on his face and I could easily read his thoughts, "I did it"! I gave him a high five and praised him but what I really wanted to do was burst into tears of happiness and pride.

It was such a momentous victory for him. For me, it was special because he's had to over-compensate for his SPD and now, the therapy and at-home sessions are paying off!!!!

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Nov 14, 2009
by: Anonymous

good for you your hardwork payed off parents live for these type of moments.

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