My 7 year old grandson
by Betty
I have a beautiful grandson who just turned 7.
He developed a problem with his shoes being put on and tied just right, or he would complain and get frustrated if they were to tight. My son , his father said he does that just to get attention. Within the past year he does not like tags in his clothes, any thing that is tight, pants ,hat, shirts, or he looses control if they do not fit just right. He likes his pants loose and will unbutton them until they are almost falling off.
It it to the point where is obsessive about the way his clothes fit.
I raised three children and know this is not normal behavior. My son and daughter in law do not want to think my grandson has a problem. So I decided to do some research and found your site.
I also see some other characteristics he has. If you kiss him he will immediately wipe it off, he is easily frustrated, and throws temper tantrums. My son said it is because I spoil him.
But I knew there was something else going on.
I am going to show this site to them and hope they look at it and realize there is an issue.I know my daughter in law is afraid he will be prescribed drugs and she does not want her child on medication, which I can understand.
Thank you very much for this website.