My 5 year old son might have SPD
My 5 year old has had a lot of issues all his life. he will get angry for no reason at all. sometimes he will refuse to wear what clothes i pick out and instead want to wear all of 1 color from shirt to socks. when he gets mad most of the time he will hit the nearest person or thing even if they are not the reason he is mad. he also does not seem to know when he has to use the bathroom even after being fully potty trained at age 2. he was diagnosed being ADHD last month but the medications he is on do not seem to help at all. i'm taking the checklist with me when we go for his follow up to see if they might agree that he has it.
He also never sits still and is disruptive in school for no reason at all. he is also refusing to go to sleep in his own bed and must be right against me in my bed in order to fall asleep. he also has massive tantrums over what seems like nothing. he'll want to get a cat toy but thinks he should get 2 since we have 2 cats or be told he can only get one box of snacks and want to. the crying and tantrums keep going until he makes himself sick especially if it is over any type of change in his routine i'm really hoping to get answers to what is going on with him because after a year of therapy nothing is helping any more