My 2.5 yr old daughter meeting some of the check list
by leanne
(Australia )
Long story short..
Since the beginning my daughter has always been super charged and skips, bounces, runs everywhere!
Things I've noticed in quick points she is doing or always has done would be:
- Extrmely picky eater & will gag on certain foods or just pick them apart
- is very sensitive to noises such as rain, food blender/ mixer, hates fans, blow dryer, loud birds outside, ride on mowers, planes etc.
- At my mother in laws she wouldn't use the toilet because of the built in fan/light
- Hates having nails clipped
- Hates having hair washed, but happily will play in the bath and have body washed
- Has to touch everything, not people but she is just into everything.
- will randomly bite furniture to get your attention if your on the lounge she will bite the cushion or if your on the bed bite the pillow.
- After my son was born she was 21 months at the time it took a very very long time for her to adjust to him. She would not go near him or want anything to do with him. Now they get along just fine.
- I had a really tough time with her day sleep until I put up a block out blind
- When she is tired she becomes more active unlike most kids who crash out on the sofa or mellow down.
She is extremely gifted with memory and can remember things from months and months ago that most toddlers would forget. Her language is amazing and she was able to put sentences together of 5 words or more at an early age. I don't think socially she is affected as she adores other children and becomes even more hyper around them.
Do you think I'm over evaluating the daily life of a toddler or this is something more?