I was diagnosed as "retarded", then "gifted"!

by Anna

You can see what a great time I'm having.

You can see what a great time I'm having.

When I was a child I was always uncomfortable, physically. I could not stand being touched and was therefore unable to appreciate physical affection. The discomfort I would feel while wearing certain pieces of clothing would be utterly unbearable and I would fly into horrible tantrums multiple times a day.

These meltdowns, and the fact that I hit and bit other children led to my being diagnosed as retarded and sent to a preschool/kindergarten for mentally challenged children even though I could already speak and read. I just remember everything always being very difficult to communicate to others, which was so very frustrating!

I was so miserable at the school that for grade one I was transferred to a "normal" school. I failed grade one because the concept of going along with what others were doing completely escaped me! I know that sounds like the simplest thing to do, and I cannot explain why I couldn't understand it. In fact, I remember eventually having the epiphany that perhaps I should try doing what others were doing. It was like a revolution of consciousness!

I started figuring out how better to communicate with others. Eventually when grade five came along, we were tested for the "gifted" stream, and I ended up testing in the top one percent of children my age in Canada.

So really, I guess I wasn't ever "retarded". Today I struggle with terrible anxiety, a dislike of loud and busy places, self-imposed isolation and intense self-dislike, but no longer think I'm stupid.

I wish I'd have had some sort of therapy or intervention. I still haven't sought out a diagnosis of what my cognitive issues are, but undoubtedly I have some sort of SPD.

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Nov 05, 2015
A Very Real Story
by: Anonymous

Thank you for posting this story and describing to others how it feels to be in theses shoes. My Grandson is high functioning Austism and has may hyper sensitivity issues. I think that the more everyone understands how it feels to have problems understanding or communicating how difficult it is and how it feels to be the person struggling with these things, the more others can adapt to what works best for those effected this way. You who struggle with these issues are usually very gifted in many ways. If you check into therapy, you will find that in very recent years, many new therapies have been developed and they are working very well for many people to gain more control in their lives and in personal reactions to the world around them. I wish all of you all the best.

Jan 05, 2015
Single father in need of a lot of help!!!!!!
by: Anonymous

This sounds like my daughter, A straight a student at a magnet school then changes school and ends up in special ed. Please help. Also has slight speech problem and I believe she is being picked on a lot. I deal with her every day and know how intelligent she is and I believe these teachers at the new school just don't know how to deal with her. Her severe ADHD on top of everything else. I am a single father she is 10 she has an 11-year-old brother in gifted classes.

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