I am a kid with sensory issues

I'm not 100% sure that I have SPD, but I do have really severe sensory issues. I have panic attacks whenever I get over-stimulated and it's horrible.

My family doesn't believe that I have sensory issues. SOMETIMES I can listen to music loudly, so that is the ONE reason they don't believe me. It's really frustrating because I need help. I need to be diagnosed with whatever it is that's making me like this.

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Jul 04, 2024
by: Andrew

I understand what is happening to you and it's very possible it's SPD. The first time I started reading about it many things resonated with me. You should go to your doctor (like the other comment says) and talk to them. You can print some SPD symptoms checklist from here and you tick your symptoms and give it to the doctor. Sadly I don't know how you can deal with your parents, I have the same problem with that.

Hope everything goes alright.


Nov 22, 2022
by: Anonymous

Next time you go to pediatrician ask them about it. Ask to be referred to specialist. Do you have a children's hospital they can send you to ?

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