Get an evaluation by Easter Seals or the early intervention program in your area. We had our son evaluated at 21 months and he qualified for services until the age of 3 because he was 33% speech delayed. His evaluations were completed two days before his second birthday. If he had been 2 years of age he would have needed to be 50% delayed and not qualified. Our son has sensory processing disorder. He is--we now know--extremely bright, but this impacts his ability to learn in every way. Early intervention has been key. He improved so much in a matter of months. I can't stress this enough. START NOW. Head banging is not "normal" behavior for a 19 month old. But she could be, like our son was, trapped in her inability to make her mouth form sounds. W/6 months of ST and OT he was talking 3 word combos regularly and sometime 4 and 5 word sentences. But we are going to have a lifetime of managing this disorder and finding his strengths and weaknesses. DON'T WAIT. And the best of luck to you and your family.
Jun 01, 2010 Rating
annatto by: Anonymous
Have any of you tried the Feingold Diet or cutting out additives? Feingold cuts out artificial additives (and salicylates in the beginning). It has made a phenomenal difference in our son. Every time we cheat, he goes back to being unbelievably difficult. We noticed a difference within a few days, so I firmly believe that EVERYONE with SPD should try the Feingold Diet. But one interesting thing that I noticed was that a 'natural' color, considered safe on Feingold, was the source of my son's headbanging. 'Annatto''s in Pepperidge Farm Goldfish, which millions of kids eat. I shudder to think how many kids' behavior problems could be fixed by just cutting out this one food. There are many complaints about annatto, headbanging being a hallmark symptom. Please check it out, and check out Feingold. It could change your family's life.
May 16, 2010 Rating
to calm her by: Anonymous
Even my child when he throws tantrums on the floor hurting, it also has some autistic traits ePDD-NOS diagnosis probable.Io will try to calm her down, because I think in those moments of crisis loses control and therefore could be evil. is necessary to ask the advice of the Child Psychiatrist. good luck.
May 15, 2010 Rating
Head banging by: Carrie
My daughter who is 3 has banged her head for a couple of years now. But it's not out of frustration. She does it her highchair ( on our third one), car seat, couch, chair, rocking chair, literally everywhere and can go on for over an hour. One doctor said it was self soothing...and another doctor referred us to a psychologist to rule out or diagnose PDD-NOS, because she other issues too. Speech delays, tip top walking and others. Basically what that means is she exhibits some of the behaviors on the Autism spectrum. She was diagnosed with PDD-NOS. She used to bang her head on the floor when she was mad but doesn't do that very much anymore. What do you do when she does that? We were told to ignore it and walk away and it did get better when we didn't give into the attention and did that.
I am working with a child who is so sensitive to the feel of paper or anything like it with a dry feel, he says. He uses a transparency paper to put under
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation