Has anyone heard of Wilbarger deep pressure and Proprioceptive Technique

by Ursula Gates
(Hampton, AR)

My daughter Haley has started receiving occupational and physical therapy this summer. She has also received speech therapy in the past and now during the summer. This is not at school. My family physician recommended the place we go to. It is really great. They have helped my daughter tremendously. She still has a lot of issues. It seems when we get past one sensory issue another sensory issue comes up.

To get to my question the occupational therapist my daughter uses at this place has started a sensory diet for Haley. Part of her sensory diet is the Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (DPPT). It has really worked wonders for Haley. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but if not you should really talk to your Occupational Therapist about it. Make sure they are certified in this because there is a certain way to do this. She also taught me how to do this. To use this technique with out instruction from a trained therapist could be harmful at the extreme, and at the minimum, useless.

That is not all first I have to start with Oral Tactile Technique(OTT) 1 daily or when needed before meals. Then we do the deep pressure and Proprioceptive technique (DPPT) which is brushing with a surgical brush or a therapeutic brush. You should ask your OT she should know. It also includes joint compressions after the brushing. I know it sounds silly I thought it did at first, but it really

works if done properly.

Then last we do what is called the PEDI Protocol. It is for foot defensiveness, head bangers, and toe walkers (this is something new my daughter has started doing. She will also walk on her heels). This is supposed to release neurochemical serotonin from the brain.

The brushing technique uses a specific method of stimulation to help the brain organize sensory information. The DPPT has been found very beneficial with sensory integrative dysfunction. This technique helps the brain and body work together more effectively.

On another note, I finally got to see a developmental pediatrician. It took six months to get an appointment. I am now more confused than ever. She could not pinpoint it down to just one diagnosis. Even though I did emphasis her sensory issues. The good news is she said that she is not on the autism spectrum because her verbal skills are average. She has all the other symptoms of mild autism. She did say that Haley is severely language delayed, ADHD, memory delay, and she also has a coordination delay. The doctor wants her to see a neurologist to cross out any other disorders or diseases. I am worried because she said that she wanted Haley to have a MRI.

She also wants Haley to see a audiologist for her coordination and sensitive hearing. To get a thorough check on her vision. Because she has visualization problems. Also a specialist because she has stomach problems. Do you think there is a bigger problem here?

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Mar 02, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank you guys so much. On a different note, the things that have most def helped my son the most w/ adhd and sensory issués is getting completely rid of wheat and dairy and adhering to a Julie Matthews/ Fred Bisci-type diet and juicing vegetables/ fruits.. Thanks again and God bless..

Mar 01, 2011
by: ugates

The SPD Companion, Issue # 021--The Wilbarger Protocol For Sensory Defensiveness

I'm not for sure if this will show up as a link, but if not just copy and paste this above in the search area and it should take you right to the website.

It explains the precautions and how to do it.
Good Luck and hope it works for you.

Mar 01, 2011
Response to Anonymous!
by: ugates

My daughter's Occupational Therapist showed us how and gave the written instruction on Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique.

I think I read somewhere where the Technique has changed some, but not sure. I did find the WDPPT on the computer one day. I will try to find it again for you and post the link on here.

Another thing that could help my daughter's OT suggested is Brain Gym. They have books on this just about anywhere. It does seem to help with my daughter.

Mar 01, 2011
Where to Find Wilbarger's Official Seminar or Instruction
by: Anonymous

Where in the world do I get the instructions for the Wilbarger technique? I've searched childdevelopmentmedia.com and a slew of other places. My son's OT therapy has not started yet and I do not even know if his OT will implement this technique. I can buy the brush, but they insist you have to be properly trained. How the heck do I get properly trained if I can't find an "offical" instruction DVD or book??

Mar 28, 2009
by: ugates

March 28, 2009

I guess I wrote this last June of 08'. So much has happened since. We did see a neurologist and we found out my daughter has complex-partial seizure disorder. The MRI picked up a lesion on the left side of the occiptal lobe.

The neurologist sent us to the ADOS team. That is a team of doctors that diagnosis autism. They diagnosed her with autism disorder high-functioning along with all of her other disorders. They also said it was impossible to have autism and ADHD. I guess it is according to what doctor you talk too.

The neurologist put her on Keppra 3.0mls twice a day. It worked for about a month, she was doing so well. Then school started and it blew everything out of the water.

Right now she is getting ready for a 24 hour EEG on April 1st and 2nd. She has been experiencing tics which I believe is different from the autism stimming (example: hand or arm flapping, following hands or objects, odd looking hand movements.) She does a lot of mouth noises, snorting, shoulder twitching, her shoulder blades touch, her stomach twitches, legs twitch, etc. Sometimes all at the same time. She is responsive and never passes out so the neurologist said these episodes are not seizures. Of course, the more stress the worse it becomes. She still does have autism stimming it is just not as bad. Her social skills have improved drastically. That is something good.

I am so nervous for the results of the EEG. Hopefully, it will not be serious. If anyone else is experiencing anything like this please let me know so I can be more prepared?

Mar 27, 2009
Bigger issue...
by: Anonymous

My daughter had the same type of issues.
Look into Celiac disease, it can cause sensory issues, autistic type behaviors and all sorts of really crazy neurological problems. My daughter was diagnosed with Celiac this past winter and now with the diet change most of her "issues" are resolved with the exception of her sensory problems. Which is why I landed here. Google Celiac neuropathy and Gluten Ataxia. If anything it's worth a shot.

Good luck, I'm really hoping the Wilbarger technique will settle the rest for us :)

Jan 06, 2009
by: Cathy

Don't rule out autism yet. My daughter has it and your daughter sounds very similar. Autism is not a mental disease like they said it is a label for behaviors and if the doctors think they do enough behaviors like toes walking or arm flapping they are autistic. There are 22 signs but it only takes one. You should research Leaky gut syndrome and find a DAN! doctor. Trust me just look into this. They are doctors that went to school for 9 years not just 8 and they are helping the body work properly though diet and supplements and therapies.

We are just starting and my daughter is pretty severe but I now know why. She has high mercury in her from a urine test we saw this. That is from the shots. Believe it or not this is true. Her body just was too weak to detox the metals in the shots. Some can and some can't. This is an epidemic and the doctors don't want us to know it is true.

It is a hard journey to change things like cleaning products to vinegar and water and no perfumes or paint fumes. This may not be what you are dealing with but I would get a urine test. We did one from France. Her pee went to France and we got the results. You need to know why she is behaving this way not just living with it.

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