Community Resources: Financial Help For Sensory Products & Therapies

Lisa and Bob Compton of and have been helping hundreds of parents get the resources they need to be able to purchase sensory products. They have literally donated dozens of weighted products to those in need via their scholarship program. At this point it is, however, tapped out. Here are some GREAT ideas for YOU to try. You may just be surprised how willing your "neighbors" are to help!

Lisa Compton writes:

My goal is to educate parents about their own communities... many are ready and willing to step up and help.  Here are some suggestions:

1.  Ask your priests, ministers, rabbi's (including Catholic Charities, United Way, etc.)   If they can't help, they may be able to direct you to other places that you can call to see who can help you purchase the supplies and equipment you need.

2.  See if there is money in the church to help pay for such items needed for families - and not just weighted products,  but Dri-Star clothes,  GFCF foods, etc.

  There are often families in the church who have money that are quiet donors for needs just like these.  I just had a family donate $350.00 for weighted products!  They barely knew the person receiving them and don't even want to be recognized.

4.  For products OR Therapy... Does your family have any ties to Masons, Shriners, Elks, Moose, American Legion, Kiwanis, etc.?  These clubs are very generous!  You can call your local Chamber of Commerce (you don't have to give them your life story) but explain to them that you need to know if they have a recommendation of a club or organization that helps families pay for the services and/or products you need.

5.  Call your family when birthdays or holidays are coming up.  If these are people who would normally purchase gifts anyway, tell them THIS YEAR what your child NEEDS  is the following...(give them a list).   Let them know, "We have been trying very hard... we have gone to these resources (list them) asking for assistance for these products and have not found success yet.   And our financial situation is not able to handle all the costs of therapy right now...but ____ really needs it!"

Or say, "WHAT  IF everyone in the family donates the amount that they would normally spend, whether it be $5 - $10 - $50, etc. and provide that in cash this time.  Then we can collect one sum, figure out the list of products that our child needs right now, and then we can  purchase them as a "Family" gift.

get a "prescription" from the OT, SP, DOC, who ever said they need these products, and show your family... this is not just "fun"; this is "medically necessary.")

6.   Call your Small Business Administration LOCAL office and ask them
if they are aware of any local charities/donors that help with medical assistance, such as what we're speaking about... our local office has a lot of referrals.

7.   While you are calling these places in your area write it down in your journal so that you have resources for your area that includes specifics.  For example, a resource list that documents... when you called the Shriners, they said, "We ONLY donate for THIS cause", or the Elks... "We have scholarships for THIS cause, or at THIS time of the month";  or "here are the QUALIFICATIONS needed to apply."

WHY????  This way you have all of your leg work done. This time/next time you need assistance with something you will be able to go to your own Resource Binder!  How powerful is that?!... to have all of this information about your own neighborhood,/communities all in one place!  AND if another parent comes to you and says that they really could use some help - you can pull out your book and help them... what a great gift to that friend!

(No I'm not an agency worker - I've just had plenty of hard times, plus I've worked with the churches and have created community meals where you only pay 1.00 for children and 2.00 for adults.  And if you can't pay... no problem, could you help put the chairs up or clear the table?  That is your payment.  Sometimes your service is enough)

And, don't forget about food banks!  If you need to save money for two weeks or a month to get other therapy items - visit your local food bank to save on groceries.  Sometimes you have to fill out a card, sometimes you do not.  There are a lot of food banks just look for them; call United Way or Catholic Charities... they even help pay for utility bills!  Anywhere you can save will be that much more money to put towards the products and services your child needs.

This is who I am... a RESOURCE person - that's why is a Resource Center now that our new site is up, with nothing but products to purchase.  We want to help you get the items your children need in order to be healthier, happier, and have a higher quality of life.  We want to help YOUR family!

So, simply email me  through either site (via the link below) with your needs and questions and we'll work together to find the monies to get what you need. Again this doesn't happen overnight. I can not do the work FOR you; so if you are willing to take the resources, make the calls, and do the legwork then we are willing to offer weighted products at our sale prices and work with the organization or company that is donating the products.

Hugs to each one of you!  We are a provider but we are also a family member that truly does get it and understands your daily life.  We are here to help and work WITH YOU, whatever way we can!

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