Concerned mum of 6yr old boy
by marjory
(glasgow scotland)
My boy is always very loving from a young age. At nursery he would not draw paint or hold a pencil,cut paper. They put it down because he hadn't decided what hand he wanted to use.
Primary one~not too bad very out spoken and friendly,too friendly,wants to kiss and cuddle everyone. Always had problems cutting nails and hair, especially toe nails. Found getting ready for P.E. at school very difficult. Buttons zips shoes all difficult to do. Does not like school shirt and tie. Comes out from school very untidy, shirt hanging out jumper in bag, trousers on back to front.Shoes on wrong feet. Still smiling and very pleased to see me.
Occupational therapist was up at school to report on another classmate when she noticed my boy, asked teacher to ask me for referral.Thank you for small mercies. Within a month he has been diagnosed and now being seen regularly. He has Propriaception it affects his arms shoulders and stomach muscles. Over sensitive hearing, puts hands over ears alot with loud noise. Difficulty using cuttlery and pencils.
We are taking one day at a time at the moment, dont know what else we can do. Just thankful that is all that is wrong. I have
learned alot from this web site thank you. The o.t. did not go into great details, now I understand why, so much to take in. My first meeting since diagnosis is this week. I feel well prepared now, so thank you again.