I am 30 yrs old and got tired of buying different kind of underwear just to never be satisfied. I now cut the elastic w scissors just to find relief, and so that i dont have to worry about searching for an underwear that might not exist.
Finding this solution also helped with the guilt that comes along for being so "picky" and "unsatisfied." By cutting my underwear, i dont have to feel that guilt.
Apr 07, 2018 Rating
Old Navy to the rescue by: Anonymous
Old Navy little girls undies are perfect for my little one who can't stand undies rubbing the wrong way. She is 5 and wears 4t-5t. I love them and not super expensive.
Aug 31, 2017 Rating
There is hope! by: Anonymous
My daughter is now 17 years old and a senior in high school. I'm proud to say she is a beautiful young woman she wears cute trendy clothes, underwear, and occasionally socks.
I remember those days of crying with her as she went through everything in her closet before school and nothing "felt right". There is no cure for this bc I have tried everything over the years. From OT, PT. Natural remedies, physycologists, not to mention the different brands of clothes we have tried to no avail.
She first started "acting out about her clothes at age 8. But when I really look back, actually, She started showing signs of sensory disorder when she was an infant. She had to be tightly swaddled to be comforted, she would cry when I would dress her, never wanted to wear socks or shoes, she would cry when we went to public places with a lot of people (overstimulation).
To this day her sensory issues worsen when she is under more stress. It's almost like they subside for a couple months than come back ( but no way near like as a child)
Finally at around age 11 I discovered Esme Underwear, they are expensive ($10-11)a pair but it is worth the money for your piece of mind as a parent, that they are more comfortable.
The older she got the better things got. Mainly bc they want to look like everyone else at school. She will only wear one type of jeans, luckily they are Jordache Skinny Jeans. So I bought her 5 pairs.
They are very soft and they don't have a big overlapping seam on crotch area. This is usually what bothers her. It's the first thing she looks at on pants in the store the see if " they will feel funny ". Still She rarely wears socks, unless she has to. This has always been a problem for her. It's the toe seam. We found ASICS socks have a softer toe area and smaller seam.
I promise there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there and if they find something they will wear... Stock Up!
Feb 02, 2017 Rating
Underwear Discomfort by: Anonymous
Didn't realise this was a thing until now.
I'm 45 and have always hated tight waistbands and have real difficulty buying pants.
Tesco's own Value rang were brilliant until about 3 years ago they changed the design to a "More Comfortable Fit" which essentially meant making the waistband tighter for some reason. If you buy the larger size there's just more material but the waistband is the same size!
Anyway, I also find the John lewis "Organic Jersey Cotton Double Button Boxers" the most comfortable alternative but, much to my girlfriends amusement, tend to leave them stretched over something overnight to force a bit more give into them.
Really glad i found this Website. it's nice to know it's not just me.
Jul 30, 2014 Rating
The Best Underwear for SPD by: Anonymous
I would suggest you look for Men/Boys at the Bikini Style/Low Rise/Sports Briefs. They are very comfortable and come in cool colors.
What you have to remember is this underwear is designed for sports.
I love wearing this style of Underwear and I remember in high school most teens were wearing Boxers but my friends liked my underwear style and switched.
Even today my friends say how cool these styles of underwear are and how comfortable they are.
Jun 17, 2014 Rating
Doesn't wear any by: Anonymous
My son hasn't worn underwear in 4 years since he stopped using a diaper at 3. He only wears knit pants and gets along just fine without. I used to push it, but just gave up.
Every year I buy them for him, but he just never wears them. Then we pass them to his cousin the following year.
There are plenty of grown men who don't wear underwear, or who wear boxers for the looseness. I figure it's his choice and no big deal.
However, we are having trouble finding knit pants in larger sizes.
Feb 02, 2014 Rating
Boys underwear by: Anonymous
The adidas sport performance underwear from kohl have been working very well for us for the last year! In fact they are the only option for my 8 year old son so I am very grateful we found them.
Feb 02, 2014 Rating
Boxer briefs by: Anonymous
Lucky & Me Boxer Briefs is another brand that is worthwhile to check. Their products are made with cotton modal or bamboo rayon which gives a soft and smooth hand feel.
Jan 18, 2013 Rating
my seven year old is also constantly adjusting himself, in school it is becoming a problem and I don't want the kids to start teasing him. We have tried all kinds , they are not snug enough, today we are trying "sports performance" snug boxer style from Kohl's. I will let you know if we have any success. I have also thought about a jock strap but they look very uncomfortable. Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep the privates snug and in place ?
Jan 04, 2013 Rating
boxer briefs by: Anonymous
maybe one size too small boxer briefs? Hanes is the best brand for me I've found
Nov 21, 2012 Rating
Sensory issue w/underwear, not tight enough for son by: Anonymous
My son who is 6, is constantly adjusting himself in the front. He does not seem to have any problem with the elastic or tags in underwear, but it seems that they are not tight enough in the front for him.
We've tried compression underwear which felt too tight for him all over, and boxer briefs which just drove him crazy.
I was thinking of trying a jock strap. Any thoughts or better ideas?
Nov 10, 2011 Rating
help with underwear by: Anonymous
My 6 year old daughter with sensory processing disorder is having a HUGE problem with underwear. She wants the underwear to be very tight and stay up and complains that the seams are itchy. I have spent a fortune on underwear, and so far nothing is working. she is having daily tantrums about getting dressed and does not want to go without wearing underwear. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks so much.
Oct 26, 2011 Rating
seamless and no elastic underwear by: Anonymous
We've finally had success with SmartKnitKIDS Undies! Their socks were a complete life-saver for our morning melt-downs and now they have underwear that help even more!
Jul 28, 2011 Rating
SPD solution by: Anonymous
My bf cannot stand anything tight round his waist, but when we first got together I did not realise, as he was too embarrassed to tell me. I noticed he was always readjusting and hitching his underwear and his jeans,which seemed a size too big, so I bought him a belt which he never wore. When I asked him why, he very reluctantly had to tell me. The next day I bought him a pair of clip-on elastic braces, which he really appreciated, but was still too shy to wear in public. It took a great deal of persuading that I loved him for who he was, and not what he looked like, although he does look very sexy when he dresses casual and unshaven!
Jan 13, 2011 Rating
Old fashioned style is the solution by: Anonymous
Believe me guys, the only solution is to go with the loose underpants and pants held up by clip-on suspenders. My mates did rib me at first, but they are now understanding, and I can get on with my life!
Oct 20, 2010 Rating
Velcro/Tabbed Panties by: Carmen/Gabby
My daughter, Gabby, wears a leg brace from her hips (in the form of a belt) and is attached to her shoes. She needs to wear these braces to be mobile. We are currently working on potty training with a regular underwear supported by a diaper on the exterior. The problem is while she is wearing her braces, having to remove her wear underwear, diaper and pants has become a regular problem if they become soiled. I am trying to find regular underwear which can be fastened on either side like a diaper but independent so it can be easily removed without having to take her shoes and pants off every time to change her underwear. Suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Oct 02, 2010 Rating
Braces are the best solution by: Anonymous
I have suffered from SPD all my life, but now at 19 I have gained the confidence to try men's elastic braces. I use the clip-on ones so I can clip both my boxers and my jeans in them. This way I can wear both my underpants and my pants very loose but not have to keep hitching them up. My Grandad tells me that when he was my age all guys wore clothes this way as there was no elastic in men's knickers. Try it, it really is comfortable.
Aug 04, 2010 Rating
Braces are the solution to SPD by: Anonymous
My son (now aged 19) has suffered from SPD for a number of years, and is always happier in colder weather when he can hide his braces (suspenders in USA)under a woolie or coat. He always wears his underpants and jeans 1 or 2 sizes too big to counteract the SPD, but gets fed up with hitching them up constantly in the summer when he is too self-conscious to wear his braces.
Aug 03, 2010 Rating
best solution by: Anonymous
I am 17, and find all clothing around my waist, both jeans and underpants uncomfortable, so wear them loose and keep them up with braces. After the initial shock and comments from friends they soon move on to other topics, but I do wish they would understand my problem and my solution to it.
Jun 06, 2010 Rating
uncomfortable underpants by: Anonymous
I am 17 and still have problems with the elastic on all of my underpants. However, if I am just wearing a shirt, I tuck it inside my underpants, which by necessity are oversized, and them I can hitch them up with my jeans. If this becomes tiresome, as it does, the I suggest a pair of suspenders (braces for my english cousins), into which I can clip both my drawers and my pants. My Grandad gave me this tip, and it really does work.
May 09, 2010 Rating
Super Comfortable Underwear for Women and Girls by: Anonymous
I just discovered women's underwear and girls underwear that meet the special needs of those that struggle with tactile defensiveness. These underwear are made with bamboo and they cost a little more than other types of underwear but the are super, super soft and anti-bacterial. They breathe well too due to the bamboo. I purchased some for myself and my daughter and these are the only one's both of us will wear now. The kids brand is called Esme Underwear and the women's brand is called Cosabella Women's underwear from the women's Cosabella smooth activewear collection.
Sep 18, 2009 Rating
Comfortable Underwear for girls by: Anonymous
I am a Special Education teacher and had a daughter with SPD needs. I highly recommend Esme underwear for girls with the need to wear comfortable, cute and quality underwear. These are the only of it's kind and I swear they are worth every penny.
Again, they were worth every spent and my daughter absolutely loves them because they meet her needs.
Sep 06, 2009 Rating
Girls underwear by: Aintanant
I would love to see a link like the one above for girls underwear.
Aug 25, 2009 Rating
underwear by: Anonymous
My son has the same problem. Starting at age four he complained that his underwear hurt. I tried every kind I could find in just about every size. I finally just let him go with out. He is six years old know and is starting to be able to tolerate it most day. Great news except that now he says he can not wear any shoes that have a back on them. Thank goodness for crocks!
Aug 19, 2009 Rating
Undies by: Lex
I was told by our occupational therapist to try clothes made of bamboo. You can get sheets, socks, shirts...I'm sure there have got to be some underwear out there. Hope this helps. my son loves the bed sheets and socks. (He's 4)
Aug 17, 2009 Rating
how old? by: mo2g
I don't know if this would help, but I have heard of some boys being more comfortable in plain white girl's underwear. If he's small enough it might not matter that they are girl's. Or maybe he can go w/out? Also have you tried loose cotton shorts that he could use as underwear under his pants?
Aug 16, 2009 Rating
comfortable underwear for boys/girls by: fish
Hi, this is Fish from Michigan.
There is a new store opening for our children who have tactile defensiveness / problems with clothing.
The store is called Soft Clothing: info@softclothing.net or softclothing.net they are running a special for shipping and handling.
Does anyone know of anyone who has a blue Aerial disney panties size 8, 10 12 We are looking for them. Our daughter will only wear the blue aerial panties. If they are used, new please email. Thank you Fish
Aug 13, 2009 Rating
The Best Comfortable Underwear Ever by: Anonymous
For all of you who have a need for your kids to wear comfortable underwear I guarantee your girls will wear these underwear. They are super super soft, comfortable, they breathe and they wash great too. They truly last longer than your child will need to wear them. No joke. My daughter who is now 5 wore one pair and she has never wanted to wear any other kind of underwear. See Esme underwear
Oct 17, 2008 Rating
Loose Fitting or Next Size Undies by: Anonymous
My 4 year old son was diagnosed with SPD last year and we have been taking him to OT once a week. He prefers to wear the larger or next size underwear even though they look pretty loose on him. I hope this helps!
Jan 29, 2008 Rating
Comfortable women's underwear? by: Seratonin
I'm 26 and have never been able to wear underwear or bras. I've always thought I was a freak. It really stinks. If anyone knows any resources for adults let me know.
Jan 03, 2008 Rating
underwear idea by: T M
My daughters all struggle with most underwear. Our best discovery was Hanna Andersson underwear. They are almost all tagless, if not, the tag is not uncomfortable and the seams and elastic are soft and non binding. Several friends with boys with similar issues tried the Hanna Andersson brands and have had no more issues.
They are more expensive but are worth it and more durable than most brands. Boys have a ton of neat types available too.
Hope this helps
Nov 14, 2007 Rating
SPD Girls Underwear by: Anonymous
My daughter only likes the girls boxers made by petite bateau - the newer forms of the girls boxers by other manufacturers (Limited 2, Macy's) are too tight and legs too short. Now that she is outgrowing her size 12 girls (last size made by Petite bateau) - I can't find replacements - does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you so much!! The only links I can find are for boys underwear.
Oct 24, 2007 Rating
Underwear problem by: Anonymous
My son has the same problem and I highly recomend the tagless Hanes. I found them at K-Mart for the same price as on this site, so if I were you I would buy them because the briefs are hard to find. If he likes boxers they are easy to find.
I am working with a child who is so sensitive to the feel of paper or anything like it with a dry feel, he says. He uses a transparency paper to put under
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation