Child dislikes water

by Michelle

My child almost 8 can not stand getting his hands wet. Even when it is hot out you can see he is not liking the idea of getting in the pool. He says he doesn't like his fingers to get wrinkly and clinches his hands into fist so nothing can touch them. It seems to be getting worse. I have not found anyone who has dealt with this. Please help with advise if you have. Thank you.

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May 27, 2024
O’Keefes Working Hands Cream
by: Chris

I’m 29 I have suffered with this my entire life, I believe my grandad was the same. I accidentally came across O’KEEFES WORKING HANDS CREAM as it was sold in a local parts shop and it totally changed my life. Although I avoid getting my hands wet unnecessarily, I use this cream after showers daily and it brings your hands back extremely quickly, I never discovered this until I was in my 20s. Trust me try it with your kids I wish I knew about it sooner, you can find it on Amazon.

Oct 31, 2023
by: Child caregiver

There was a child in my class, age about 5. He freaked /screamed horrified, and would NOT put his hands under the running lukewarm water, even with my hands with his, after using the toilet. I thought he may have been burned at some point by hot water or something. He was not comfortable with wipes, either. I was perplexed on how to help and keep him safe, happy and healthy with COVID etc. Thanks for explaining and sharing.

Aug 11, 2023
I relate- let him figure it out
by: Anonymous

I have been the exact same way since I can ever remember and I recall my mom getting frustrated, trying lotions and all sorts of tricks - I’m now 34 and am still to this day, the exact same way. I keep gloves in the laundry room to fold clothes, lick my fingers in order to touch a towel after my hands have been wet but are now "dry". Sorry but I would just avoid his hands getting wet and let him deal with it. Getting them re-wet to touch dry things is the only thing I can say has ever worked. I’ve never met anyone else with the same issue.

Jun 25, 2023
Lotion recommendation
by: Jessie M

Responding to Anomyous from yesterday-- I've had the best success using Gold Bond's Healing Hand Cream (Aloe) for Dry to Extra Dry Skin. It smells nice, and doesn't leave a slippery residue like many. It doesn't fix the problem fully, but it helps a lot for me!

Jun 24, 2023
I thought i was the only one!
by: Anonymous

This only just started happeneing and i have no idea what to do about it i can relate to all of your comments, what lotion do you think is the best to use?

Mar 27, 2023
Clinches hands to fists from water
by: Shawna

My son can't shower touch paper or cardboard after a shower he will also clinch his hands into fists and use his wrists to pick things up sometime for 12 hrs or more. We too never have met or heard anyone else with this issue thank you for sharing

Mar 24, 2023
30 years with same problem
by: Taylor

I’m 30 years old and I’m a female and I am the same exact way I have to wear gloves when washing dishes. My mother has the same problem. I have found that getting some form of rubber stress balls or anything with a grip rubber type texture helps my fingertips to feel better after being wet or pruned.

Jan 29, 2023
same here
by: Anonymous

my son has the exact same issues hes 8 as well

Dec 29, 2022
Don’t worry!
by: Anonymous

I have Had the same exact problem from around the same age as your child! The best thing you can do is buy your son Vaseline lip gloss and tell him to keep it in his pocket and any time his hands get wet and he feels uncomfortable to use it. It will make everything feel normal!

I am 55 and have never been able to get an answer from the top medical doctors in the NORTHEAST. I am very successful so don’t worry! Just make his life a lot easier by introducing him to Vaseline! I really hope this helps your son, and once again to worry!

Jun 25, 2022
sad disorder
by: ice

22 year old male no mental or physical illnesses

Since memory began for me I've been completely afraid of getting hands wet. It creates a painful uncomfortable feeling touching nearly any fabric, paper or pretty much anything that isn't plastic. Avoid pools, avoid hand washing, wash dishes in gloves. When I'm in a restroom with other people I will always go to a stall and wait for everyone to leave before leaving because of how bad it's gotten for me. I also work with boxes and always have to wear mechanix gloves to avoid the death sentence of feelings to my hands, because eventually after handling boxes my hands get the same effect of water?

When I was growing up I rarely showered and didn't wash dishes, I did the " fist thing ". I pleaded and begged my mother to buy me gloves and once she did I always cleaned every dish till I moved out. Other parts of my body experience this but the hands last the longest, what I do to quickly solve it which I would suggest to you all, is after washing or shower try to find any sanitizer or preferably rubbing alcohol. After shower I get about 2 tablespoons of alcohol in my hands and rub hard between all fingers and wrists. It's about the only thing that works right away. I understand it isn't going away so I just deal with it.

Only thing I have wrong with me is a severe allergy to latex.

Jun 13, 2022
by: Anonymous

I’m a 30 year old female and have dealt with this my entire life. I have ASD (Aspergers) and sensory processing is hard for me. I avoid washing my hands and giving my son a bath sends a shiver down my spine. Immediately after my hands are wet, I lather them in Eucerin lotion. I carry lotion in my purse too for when I am at work or out. Immediately after the shower, I douse lotion on my feet and then put on socks right away.

May 23, 2022
Wet hands and feet
by: Anonymous

My daughter is struggling with this and I didn’t know there were others.

My daughter is twelve and she says getting her hands and feet wet is probably the worst thing that she could do in a day, but she has to have personal hygiene and this is someone you can’t really avoid. She is not diagnosed with SPD although she probably should be because of this and other sensory issues. I’m not sure what a diagnosis can do to help so I just put it to the side.

When she gets her hands and feet wet she says it feels like nails on a chalkboard times 100. It is pain and annoyance and lotion only seems to make it worse. I don’t know what to do to help her if any ideas pls comment.

Stay strong everyone, hopefully together we can find a solution to this problem.

May 19, 2022
I didn't realize I wasn't the only one
by: JM

amazed to read these comments. they're all so similar to my experience. I'm 34, and it's been gradually getting worse over the years. it makes me avoid washing my hands and showering, which i'm really embarrassed about... but embarrassed is better than that feeling. I wish I knew how to get help for it, every lotion I've tried just made it feel just as awful but also slimy, which was not an improvement.

May 09, 2022
Thought this was just a Me thing
by: Laura C

I’m 42 yrs old and have suffered with SPD all my life. New issues are occasionally cropping up and old ones do resolve, with textures. Water intolerance is a new one for me! It started a few yrs ago and is bad enough that it takes days to psych myself up for a shower. I used to LOVE being in the water, now the thought of water touching me causes severe anxiety. I would recommend parents of children with this issue, or SPD in general to find an occupational therapist to help. It takes time, but it works. That’s my next step since (mental) therapy didn’t do much and OT helped my daughter immensely with her SPD

Jan 19, 2022
My parents don't care
by: Anonymous

I'm 16 years old and I have anyways had a thing about dishes and not bc there dirty I don't care it's getting my hands wet and when I take a bath I can't get my hands wet I don't know why I read that a lot of ppl don't like the wrinkles but that doesn't bug me it's just the contact on water with my hands I don't like it and it drives me crazy someone help

Dec 08, 2021
What is this condition called?!
by: Anonymous

I have read all these posts. I sympathize with so many comments here. Is there a name for this condition?? Hands feeling awful going from wet state to dry state. Enough people on here have said it’s a problem.

Does anyone know or has anyone learned what this is about? Please reply if you know!

Dec 08, 2021
by: Huzunie

I am having the same problem too. I am 14 years old. I hate being in water. It makes my hands wrinkly and I hate it. I cannot touch paper or wood or I will spasm.

When I was 9 or 10 I went to a private school where you had to wear coloured shirts. I had no problem with coloured shirts up until 3rd grade. I always had a problem with my hair being static from the colour. I was so desperate that I would lick my hands and rub my spit on my neck or hair to help with the static feeling.

I am in 8th grade now and I've slightly gotten over it, but I do not like my hair being touched in the morning because it makes my hair feel static. But I am looking for answers as well. I really want to know why I hate when my hands are wrinkly. It's almost like a phobia. But I am pretty sure it's not autism or down syndrome.

I hope not, I've been feeling very strange lately and I don't know why.

Nov 18, 2021
I though my child was the only one
by: Anonymous

My son just turned 10 and even though he is not autistic I’ve always wondered for the longest time if he was on the spectrum because he seems to have sensory issues. He’s seen a behavioral health doctor when he was in kindergarten but the doctor wasn’t concerned.

I have issues with getting him to shower properly. At one point he stopped washing his face. He couldn’t stand getting water on his face saying that it irritates his eyes. He doesn’t like touching wet things like the sponge to wash dishes or even baby wipes. Even when putting on lotion, he will put the lotion on then wipe it off the excess moisture with a towel. If he gets toothpaste on his mouth after brushing his teeth he rather dry wipe the excess off.

He also use to have really bad reactions to loud sounds. Having fire drills at school was very hard for him. Don’t know if this is related to the issue but he’s terrified of flying insects and goes crazy when in contact with them.

Sep 29, 2021
Urgh Wrinkly fingers
by: Anonymous

I have just discovered finger tip covers on Amazon if anyone is interested.

I can't believe they exist for one! Secondly, I can't believe I've only now thought to look!

I just did a google search and it came up, as I'm wanting to be able to relax my arms in the water while in the Jacuzzi.

Then i did a search to see if others had this experience and found this thread!

We are not alone.

It's such a horrible sensation, and am so happy that others have this too lol :)

Sep 28, 2021
9 yr old with this
by: Rachael

My 9 year old daughter has this. She won't get her hands wet when washing she hangs them out of the bath. She tolerates washing her hands at school because she has to but hates the feeling if her hands after. She takes hand gel/lotion to school to try and help. We had a very stressful visit to legoland in the summer where she couldn't stand the feeling of her hands after being in the water park. She also struggles with the feeling of certain fabrics on her skin.

Anyone recommend ways of dealing with it?

Jul 07, 2021
Wet Hands and feet
by: Anonymous

My family has jokingly said I'm on he spectrum since I was little. I have always hated the sensation of wrinkly hands and feet, like hated hated. I try to keep my showers to 5 minutes just so my fingers dont get wrinkly. I will swim but not for long periods of time and if I go in our hot tub I sit with my hands and feet over the edges. It's just such a gross feeling to me. I am 31 currently and have been like that since I can remember.

Jun 13, 2021
by: Raya flannigan

I have struggled from an extremely young age with this, so bad I can’t even touch my own skin like I have to separate my fingers and toes afterwards .When my hands are wet I cant even stand the thought of touching surfaces and lotions work a bit but even they make my skin feel strange.

I have been researching for ages and I literally want to cry because I found this page after years of looking.I really would like to know they name of this because I literally can’t touch anything for around 5 hours sometimes more. Even after my hands are dry I still can’t touch things for a while until my brain has calmed down.Literally it is nails on a chalkboard.

Its horrific to have to live with.I have gotten so bad I have done this thing for years now called "the claw" so I can separate my fingers afterwards.I have gotten many funny looks because of this but it’s the only think I can cope with I literally get a shiver up my spine thinking about touching surfaces (even my OWN skin) after it has gotten wet.

Please Please Please someone give me a diagnosis it has gotten so severe now it’s really bad to live with

Mar 30, 2021
by: Anonymous

I am 31 years old and I have struggled with all of the issues my whole life. Unfortunately it is getting worse with age.

Feb 04, 2021
Decided to give this a name:
by: Lori Salsbury

I commented YEARS ago about my issues with this, but it drives me nuts that there is no name.
So, I have decided to give it a nice Latin based name:

Pellis Intolerantia Liquidus
Basically meaning Skin intolerance to liquid.

What to you think?

Dec 28, 2020
I have the same issue!
by: Karlee

I am 28 and ever since I can remember, my hands feel SO WEIRD after getting wet. The best way I can describe it is they feel like lips feel when they are chapped and need chapstick. But as a kid I would lick them to keep them wet. Now I have learned lotion and oils do the trick. But I usually have to put lotion on immediately after and about 3-5x after getting them wet. The feeling is horrible. My anxiety is through the roof with out lotion.

Aug 09, 2020
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you to everyone who has commented on this board! I too am in my 30’s and have always experienced the same feeling after getting hands wet as Travis described in the post below. I am astounded that we cannot figure out what this is called. It’s a real thing. I have tried to train myself to live without oil or lotion after washing my hands, but it’s torture. Please if anyone knows the name of this condition please post.

Aug 08, 2020
33 years old and have this!
by: Travis C

I have this problem since as long as I can remember. I’m 33 years old now. I would not say it’s a problem with water because I’m fine at the pool and to shower it is after. I’m so scientist I have never met anyone else life this, but I can help by saying it’s a problem with skin feeling super dry as if all the oils were washed away, I cannot touch skin, paper, wood anything dry and even things like plastic I can barley stand untill the oil returns or since I was little you can speed this up in seconds by just using a butter lotion or balm. Within minutes I can touch things.

If you find a lotion without alcohols in them you may have to instantly grab your child’s hands and butter them up. They may freak at first as the feeling of touching the skin is the same as finger nails to a chalk board or forks and knifes on plate greasy out of the dish washer.

I want to say it’s a phobia but at the same time it’s a real feeling of the skin not just a fear. Hard to explain. But I googled this after being at a pool and leaving with no lotions or anything to hydrate my hands and this feeling came back after years of not experiencing it, because I use lotion as soon as I get out of the shower.

Jul 07, 2020
Grateful that I found this site.
by: Anonymous

I cannot tell from reading the comments if SPD is a definite diagnosis when a person has this senstivity to post-wet skin. I've read a bit on SPD and my child does not have the "typical" symptoms associated with this dx, he only hates the post-wet sensation on his skin.

May 11, 2020
hated wet hands and feet
by: Anonymous

I hated absolutely hated my hand and feet to get all wrinkly in water I would get out of the tub and just cuss I was only 7 or so. I also had ocd but didn't know what it was along with anxiety, im 56 and have a whole slew of problems sucks

Mar 25, 2020
My son hates getting his hands wet
by: Sara b

Over the last 6 months or so I noticed my 13 year old lad unable to touch anything with his fingertips after a shower or washing his hands. He said it feels funny and he doesn't like it. He bunches his hands up and just sits there until the sensation disappears. So just getting a shower and getting dressed can take over half an hour. I dont know if this is just a phase or what but if I ask him to wash his plate he holds onto the very edge and swills it about (pointless). Its very frustrating as hes never been bothered before. He has a brain condition called hydrocephalus. Any suggestions would be very helpful. thanks

Feb 23, 2020
Hate the feeling after hands and feet dry after being wet
by: Marilyn

I am now 66 years old. I started having this problem when I was in the 7th grade and had to take swimming lessons in a chlorinated pool. We had well water at home at that time. So, I'm just guessing that chlorine may have something to do with it.

Getting my hands and feet wet is not a problem for me - it's how they feel afterwards once they have dried. For years, way into adulthood, I avoided getting my hands wet. The feel of almost anything, especially paper, drives me up a wall. I still to this day wear rubber gloves when I can. My nails are not always clean. It's embarrassing. I avoid washing my hands at all costs.

I have never spoken to anyone about this and only recently researched it online. I never knew anyone else experienced this odd sensation, so I am glad to know I am not alone.

When I do get my hands wet, I found that "Working Hands" in the jar works best for me. The relatively new lotion they make in the tube is not the same as what comes in a jar. I've tried so many lotions over the years. This one has been a godsend. I'm not so averse to getting my hands wet now, as long as I know I have ready access to the lotion.

I appreciate all of the comments others have posted.

Nov 17, 2019
I fell like a freak
by: Angie Williams

I have had this problem since I wa as a kid. I am 40 now and it is just getting worse. I use to be able to put lotion on and be ok. Now I wear rubber gloves in the shower. I will like my hands if I dont put them on fast enough. I find it better to take a shower at night before bed, put lotion on and goto bed. When I wake up they feel better.

I am a germafobic as well but the feeling of my hands wet makes me cringe. I have noticed a difference and its getting worse the older I get. Does anyone on her figured out why or have been diagnosed with why we are dealing with this. Because I'm willing to try anything at this point.

I'm tired of dealing with this disorder and would love answers.

Oct 31, 2019
by: Jay

I am 41 and since I was very young I absolutely could not stand to get my hands wet. It is not about the pruning that the fingers do. The pruning is a evolutional trait we have, to help improve grip under water. It is the way they feel after getting wet. I wear gloves to do most things involving water like dishes and handling water. I have to have lotion immediately after. Cocoa Butter lotion does the best to relieve my uneasiness quickly.

I can't stand handling laundry, paper, newspaper, chalk. I also can't stand popsicle sticks. The wood in my mouth is gut wrenching. Hand sanitizer is great in simple situations rather than washing my hands. I have never met anyone that has felt similar to me and usually people tell me I am weird because of this phobia.

Oct 14, 2019
Is there a condition for this?
by: Anonymous

I am 21,every since I was a little girl I couldn't stand to touch anything at all. It made me angry even thinking about it. I couldn't even walk on the carpet because I was the same with my toes. The sqeeking sound on my nails is enough to make me sick. Also, the thought of cotton sqeeking in my teeth want to go mad. Is there a condition for this? Or is this normal?

Oct 09, 2019
54 Yrs. Old
by: Ricky T.

I'm 54 yrs. old and I've had the same problem since I was 5 yrs old. I didn't realize until just now reading this post that other people have the same ptoblem. I learned a long ago that lotion was the answer for me. I always have a small lotion bottle in my pocket, a full bottle in my truck, and a back up pocket size bottles in my truck and house in case I loose it. I've gone into several severe panic attacks over the years because I couldn't get to the lotion in time.

When I was a kid, my mother use to make me sit on my hands after getting out of the tub until the shriveled feeling went away. I would spit in my hands and rub them together constantly just to avoid the dry feeling.

Oct 02, 2019
by: Kiera

I thought I was the only one! I'm 19 and have aspergers. I love having baths but it's the texture of pruney hands and feet which I cannot stand, the thought of them rubbing against anything at all makes me feel very nauseous and sends chills all down my body. I do the same thing where I clench my fists. If I'm in the bath and my hands do get wet I will wipe them with a towel immediately, but then I'll have to use a new towel once that one starts getting too wet otherwise I end up rubbing my hands on a wet towel which just makes them more wet! Have no idea if there's anything to help with the fear. I always used to have this same thing with lots of different textures when I was a lot younger (like wool or tights - one of my biggest fears is the texture of rubbing a tennis ball between my teeth? Very strange and have never done it but the thought of it makes my hairs stand up on end), it didn't bother me as much for a few years then all of a sudden when I hit puberty it came back like a ton of bricks

Aug 26, 2019
What is this called?
by: Anonymous

I dont remember this being a problem when i was only young but through the years its been getting unbearable to the point i will never under any circumstances go to a swimming pool. This is really frustrating as my family normally go without me.

It has also become so much that i will try to avoid showers or baths just to not get that felling when im putting socks shirts or underwear. I used to think i was alone as when i would ask my dad about the pain it gave me to get my hands wet he just shrugged it off and says you'll get over it. But by mere coincidence i met someone in high school who has the same "condition".

However it seems as he isnt as bothered as it by me because when we were in cooking class i would see him wash his hands with no hesitation. This also affects my school work as i hate the feel of paper and people laugh at me when i have gloves on inside because they dont understand im in pain everyday. Is there anyway to fix this because in future life i will probably miss out on lots of sstuff in life.

Aug 07, 2019
Same here!
by: Anonymous

I have read a few of these so, here's my story. I'm 14 years old, and I have had this condition for as long as I can remember. I haven't found anyone else with this condition. I know that Vaseline works the best for me, and I carry it everywhere I go. I can go in the water, and I'm not scared of it, but afterward I usually (emphasis on usually) have to put Vaseline on.

Jul 17, 2019
Same Problem!
by: Anonymous

I’m 17 and have been dealing with this for as long as I can remember. I find that lotion helps so much with making me less uncomfortable. The thing is I can only use one kind of lotion, aveeno. All the other kinds I find too much like water. I used to be terrified of the pool when I was little and clench my hands into fists and find anything that was like lotion to put on them.

As I got older at least I found that lotion helped. I’m glad to know that I am not alone with this. My parents and friends all laugh at me about this, but I am extremely uncomfortable with my hands being wet. It gets to the point where I could be sick sometimes.

Jul 12, 2019
My 2 yo.
by: Karol

Guys, i have a 2 yo son and just recently he start to complaining and get really uncomfortable when gets his hand wet. He is avoiding getting his hand dirty, and he does not pick up food with his hand anymore. I realized that the problem is not when his gets the hands dirty but when he washes them. He hates the feeling just after. Of course he cannot explain his feelings yet, Which makes things harder to me. He just says the water is bad.

But he does not complain when takes shower, and he can stay in the bath for long time with no problems.

Do you guys recall having these symptoms so early? What can I do to help him?!

My email is is anyone of you want to keep in touch with me.


Jun 25, 2019
Tactile Sensitivity
by: Andrea

I'm glad I found this! It helped my 11-year-old know he's not alone.

A yr ago, he began having meltdowns after swimming and showering due to the way his hands feel while drying. He can't touch anything-especially cotton. Riding in the car on the way home from the pool is almost painful to him due to the material of the seats. It's hard to watch him go through this every eve after his shower for hours unless he can fall sleep right after. I made an appt with a psychologist for him in 2 wks but will try lotion as well.

I think he's always had a tactile sensitivity, tho. At 4, he began screaming when he put on certain clothes and still is picky. Since the same age, he's cried every time I cut his fingernails (won't do it himself), and at 7 stopped wanting me to hug him or rub his back. He just seems overly sensitive to touch (but his other senses are "normal" and he isn't autistic etc). My husband has a milder form so I have no doubt it's genetic for my son. He used to be very affectionate and not complain about touching anything, so I keep wondering "what happened" but I think it was just a gradual thing as his brain developed-it's like the touch part of the brain is developing too much and some things cause overstimulation.

Jun 03, 2019
Does anyone know what to call this?
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know what this condition is called? I’ve had it my whole life and it’s certainly a pain. I love to swim and bathe, but I dread how my hands and feet will feel after! Especially my hands. I’ve used butter or lip balm or even tried to wipe what little grease off my face that I could if I didn’t have access to lotion.

How weird is that!!?

Jun 02, 2019
Hand cream
by: Anonymous

I’m 24 and suffered with this my entire life, my dad also said my grandad had exactly the same thing,

The only way I’ve managed to get over it is as other have said is by using hand cream straight after the shower. I just tried i5 one day and it seemed to work . However I still avoid swimming pools at all cost. Funnily enough someone above recommended the same hand cream I use, it’s called o’Keefes working hands, it’s in a green container and I got it from Tesco here in the uk, I’ve also tried Nivea but for some reason after an initial relief I’d wake up in the night with the horrible sensation again.

May 18, 2019
I don’t have a good title name
by: Tobias

I have the same thing!!! I’m 16 right now and it’s insane to hear that other people have the same thing as me because I always thought I was just just really weird. I don’t know if I should be happy or sad to hear this because on one hand it’s nice not to know your alone but it also means others suffer from this aswell. I don’t know if they already do but they need a name for this because clearly many people suffer from this.

May 10, 2019
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem I hate my hands to get wet but I’ve learn how to adapt by putting lotions on them , also hate for things to be wet around me like the floor or like when it raining I hate getting in a dirty car not dirty as I’m trash dirty as in dirt gross griming this in it , to the look of wet wood just kills me inside.

Mar 24, 2019
I thought I was alone!!!
by: Skye

I'm almost 19 and I've been like this as long as I can remember! After a bath or shower or after washing my hands I have always had my hands bunched into fists for hours after!!! At first I thought it was soap, but soon found that it was just water or liquid itself! I have never been able to find words to describe the terrible sensation, but all these comments are it!!!

I've started to wear nitrile gloves to shower. This has been such an embarrassing part of my life and I've hid it from others best I can. School swimming was terrible, especially since i would have to touch paper soon after. I havent really tried lotion because I thought it would give me the same bad feeling, but I might try as it seems to work for other people in these comments.

I just cant believe I am not alone. Good luck to all.

Mar 04, 2019
I thought I was the only one!!
by: Anonymous

I am in my 30’s old and have experienced these same terrible sensations in my hands and feet (less so on the rest of my body, but still present). I truly believed I was the only one who felt this was and have always tried to ignore it, slather myself in lotion, avoid washing my hands or swimming or just—like so many say here—clinch my hands after they get wet abs avoid touching anything (oh my goodness just writing this makes me remember the terrible feeling).

When I was less than 5 I recall rubbing my hands on the shag carpet right after my bath to quench the terrible sensation I felt in my hands. As a kid and adult I just am a lotion addict. I too hand broken down and used sunscreen, butter, lip gloss — anything really if I can’t find lotion after washing my hands. It’s been very weird/crappy to deal with and I NEVER EVER thought to google it until just now.

I’m so thankful I’ve found this thread. I’m going to investigate more! Btw, I can’t stand getting my teeth worked on at the dentist it’s so uncomfortable skin to the wet hands thing, but probably not as bad.

Dec 12, 2018
by: Lorie

I've had that same problem since I was a child.after the bath or when we would go swimming I could never ever touch a towel or paper or any type of fabric. It just made my hands feel weird and I hate it!

I still have this problem however dealing with this for so many years I have found a solution. LOTION! I shake the water on my hands and immediately put in lotion and it takes the feeling away.

Dec 10, 2018
Everyone Can Thank Me Later
by: Neo

I grew up thinking I was some sort of freak but I was made to go swimming and have baths and the feeling I get when my hands are in water after only a couple of mins is like that feeling some might get when doing the old nails down the blackboard trick.

I’ve had to grin and bear it to fit in. In the Army was hard as you would be laughed at if seen wearing rubber gloves!

Now, ten years ago I found a recovery solution for the sensation after being in water. I get a plastic bag and just keep scrunching it and the feeling is comforting and quickly overrides the negative sensation. My brother has it too and it worked for him.

So say you’ve been swimming if you’re brave enough...Afterwards just get your hands on a supermarket type plastic bag and just keep rubbing all the surfaces of your palms on.

Please respond with your results 🥳

Aug 22, 2018
My lifelong battle
by: Jess

I'm 32 years old and i have had problems with wet hands and feet my whole life thus far. My mom took me to a dermatologist when i was young and they concluded that my hands were allergic to water, which never made sense to me but what do i know?

So i have never bothered to research it because i thought it would just be a lifelong curse with no solution. To this day, i even wear nitrile or latex gloves when i shower. This has made me feel alone, awkward and weird because i always thought i was the only person on earth who experienced this! All i know of to help myself is wearing gloves, like i mentioned, or when i really have no choice but get my hands wet, i use coat my hands in vaseline afterwards.

All i want in life is to be a nurse and i'm in nursing school and i constantly think of how this could really affect my choice in career which would just suck. The only thing that prompted me to look this up was that i just saw an interview with kristen bell on jimmy kimmel and she was talking about this- she suffers with it too!

While this will always be a sucky affliction to have, it already helps to know i'm not nearly as alone as i had thought!

Aug 09, 2018
I have a similar situation
by: Anonymous

I have had an aversion to getting my hands wet ever since I was a very young child. It's a similar feeling as nails on a chalkboard or utensils scraping a plate. I get goosebumps and have trouble giving my full attention to other issues at hand.

I have found that hand lotion works very well for me. There's some difference between water and oil based, but they both relieve some of the irritation and make things much easier.

Aug 01, 2018
On my end
by: Marc

Hi, I'm Marc, I am 16 years old and I have been suffering from this since I was 8.

Whenever my hands touch water I crunch them into a fist and anything fluffy or with that texture I CANNOT TOUCH, but once I touch water again my hands go back to normal but once again when they dry it happens. I'm not sure this will help your child as I am also looking for a solution but what makes me feel better is to flatten my hands out on a leather sofa or something like that for like 5 minutes and It seems to help until my hands touch water again.

Hope this somewhat helped

Jul 27, 2018
Fear of Dry Hands
by: Anonymous

I’m 13 and I’ve been dealing with this for a while. Every time I wet my hands and touch anything it makes me cringe and gag sometimes. Even the thought of touching dry things at all makes me feel sick.

One time I tried using lotion and I almost cried because of the feeling. I also can’t stand the sound of dry things rubbing together or people chewing loudly, that makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Jul 18, 2018
Please read...and respond
by: Emma

Hi my name is Emma and I am 12 years old and I have had this my whole life and have had it checked out but no one really believed me so I started looking myself. If you or your child has this I recommend cocoa butter helps me after I take a shower and my mom used to act like it was a game to see who could hold there hands in the air the i wouldn't clinch them together....I have gotten teased over it ....and have switched where I live...and now only my best friends know...not even all my family!..So i completely under stand how this can make someone depressed but make sure to use cocoa butter really helps...feel free to comment back!

Jul 17, 2018
by: Anonymous

I am 24 years old and have had this issue since I could remember. I cannot stand cotton, paper, anything that is porus gives me the irritated/grossed out sensation that many get when one scratches their nails on a chalkboard. (Also my belly button being touched gives me the same reaction) and it is a sensory issue.

I am on the spectrum, not noticeably autistic. People think I am just anti-social rather than autistic. And I am 100% positive that correlates with this issue. All in all I have no cures other than smothering my hands in a non fragrance, non gritty lotion and wait for my fingers to unwrinkle.

I'm just happy to find that I am not the only one with this issue.

Jun 30, 2018
It’s the soap!
by: Anonymous

I’ve had similar issues. I’m an OCD hand washer and when this started I almost quit washing my hands. I used gloves for everything that required getting my hands wet. I would slather lotions on my hands to hopefully create a barrier on my skin. I felt like my nerves were exposed on my hands. I hated the feel of cotton and shopping for clothes was impossible because you can’t shop in public while wearing rubber gloves. Paper was another thing I couldn’t stand to touch and I am a teacher, so I graded papers at night with gloves on. Then it finally went away and I had an idea it was because of the soap I started using. Now I’m certain it was the soap because I recently went on a vacation and used various hotel and public bathroom soaps and the sensitive hand problem is back!!! The soap that helps is actually my own homemade cold process soap. No antibacterial chemicals, no preservatives, just plain old fashioned soap. If you want to try it do a google search for cold process soap. It’s all over Etsy. Or get crafty and try making some yourself. Hope this helps somebody!

May 28, 2018
PSD sensitive to certain touches
by: Lisa

The reason I came to this page was because I was researching people/my daughter that hates water all around, drinking it, bathing, touching, washing hands. However dose tolerate it when showering, swimming or washing hands but she prefers hand sanitizer over water and uses it 90% of the time.

After reading I saw one post about SPD sensory processing disorder so I researched it. It definitely sounds similar to my daughter.

Some other things she hates is washing her face, touching anything wet like a rag or a wet wipe. She also is very sensitive to Ice Cube's or anything from the freezer. She also has issues with even putting water in her mouth when brushing her teeth and spitting it out and her teeth and gums are always on and off sensitive, brushing is always an issue.

I guess I'll be doing more research and getting her tested for SPD.

May 20, 2018
Working Hands
by: Anonymous

I use working hands hand cream. Its a circular green container sold at walmart etc. This type of hand cream is by far the best one Ive used and have been using it for a couple years now. I keep it on me always and I can basically function like a normal person without that fear of the SPD.

May 20, 2018
Water on hands
by: Amy

My boy is 10 years old I've noticed for a really good few months that he hates putting his hands in water as it makes them go wrinkly. Bath time used to be a breeze but now it's a nightmare he will scream his head off and bite the wrinkly parts. Some nights he won't even put his hands in the bath.

Can anyone help me please could my boy be sensory?

May 05, 2018
Hate wet hands
by: Natalie

Ever since i was little (im 19 now) I hated when my hands would get wet. When I would wash my hands, get out of the shower, or swim in a pool I couldn't touch anything with my hands except a towel to dry them off and I will just clinch the towel.

The pool with friends was always the worst cause i never could touch anyone else, It was absolutely disgusting to me. When I would go to the pool with just my family I would always have my hands hovering out of the water because I knew I would be miserable as soon as they got yet.

Its also not just my wet hands and feet that I hate its everyone else, I will yell at my sisters if they touch me with their wet hands. Growing up I was a horrible nail bitter like they would bleed so I thought it was because of that but a year and a half ago I quit and I still have the same problem.

I recently told my mom about my "fear" and she always knew I hated it but she also just thought it was because of my nails. Im so so glad I looked it up and found out its a sensory thing and I wasn't just crazy. I already have ADHD, OCD, and anxiety so this kind of fits right in, I have many of the common things found with SPD.

Apr 26, 2018
Same here
by: Anonymous

I am very sorry to hear this. I have dealt with the same thing since I was about 8 and now I am 14. I have found a few things that help me cope but no true cure.

I shower at nights so the discomfort will be standable by morning and a usually fall asleep with these socks that are lined with rubber which are amazing and would definitely buy for him. I don't know where you live but for some reason humidity helps a lot so I often fall asleep with a humidifier or have one near me after a pool of I go in.

The final thing is a lotion called Vaseline intensive care essential healing, it is in a yellow bottle. I can not go anywhere with out it. It doesn't completely help but it certainly helps a little. I know exactly how you feel, it is stressful and the doctors have no cure. It sucks and I do not know if it will get any better. I sure hope this helps, I've learned from trial and error.

Im truly sorry, tell your son to be brave and my prayers are going his way because I know how much it sucks (I had to quick my swim team because of it), yours truly, a fellow one in discomfort.

Apr 16, 2018
by: Anonymous

This condition is related to some sort of very specific tactile defensiveness. I find it is better in warmer weather or when the sweat glands are producing sweat. Sweat or natural moisture acts as a coating or sheath over the sensitivity.

Creams and vaseline work well immediately after getting wet. Physical activity works too. I used to have my son jump on the bed 20 times after a shower while I held his hands. The sweat glands produce a natural protectant along with a cream.

I have had to use lip gloss and gum as back up at times. Gels are great for washing hands. It is less irritating than using soap and water. I have sanitizing gel or sprays and cream or vaseline with me at all times.

Both of my children have the same affliction. It is manageable if you have the tools necessary.

Feb 07, 2018
Water sensory
by: Anonymous

I am 16 years old and for about 3-4 years, I have had this sensory problem. Not only can I not stand getting my hands wet and having them get pruned and wrinkled, but it also has to do with my entire body, especially my hair being wet.

All of the hair on my body being wet has drove me completely crazy where I can't focus on anything else. I started blow drying all of my body hair immediately after getting out of the shower and that is somewhat a fix to this issue but I would only dream to have it fixed and not have to worry about getting my hair wet from a shower or the rain.

If anyone knows any fix that would be great.

Jan 18, 2018
I know how to help !!!
by: Anonymous

First thing first it’s PSD or Processing Sensory Disorder. Most importantly have hand creams available for every time his hands are in or touch water.

Personally I think baby lotion is best. Next you should probably take him to the doctors and have him tested as PSD is a major indicator for Autism or Aspergers. Using a sensory brush is also helpful if you look them up you can learn how to use them to help treat Processing Sensory Disorder.

Hope this helps :)

Dec 17, 2017
3&1/2 yr old screams and cries when water touches her head
by: Anonymous

My daughter has the same problem but its with water touching her face or head. She screams, cries, and fights when its bath/shower time. The second she sees the shower head anywhere near her face or above her head or feels it touch her hair/head she goes into super anxious and terrified mode.

Even just saying the words shower or bath sends her into a high panic mode where she starts crying and screaming from fear. She has been like this since she was an infant, we didn't know she had SPD till just 2 years ago.

It is so heart breaking. We have tried everything her occupational, speech and developmental therapists, her psychologist and her pediatricians have all suggested and advised us to do. Nothing has helped.

There are still so many phobias and obstacles we have not been able to help her overcome even with the help of all her therapists and doctors. Its exhausting and heartbreaking and reading everyone else's comments, well ill be honest they're making me scared and worried about my little girls future and I'm trying not cry.

But we all have to keep fighting to find a way to over come struggles and obstacles. I wish everyone the best.

Oct 25, 2017
Working Hands
by: Anonymous

Working Hands by O'Keeffe's is by far the best hand cream ive used for this. I carry it in ny pocket and i forget i even have this issue.

Oct 17, 2017
Same issue
by: Natalie

Me to I thought I was the only one I guess over time, If you practiced it would get better I haven't tried because I hate hate the feeling even with my feet and no one else can touch me in the bath.

It's so horrible I don't think its something you can cure, I think it's a phobia it's nice to see other people have the same issue u thought I was weird.

I'm 17 and as far as I can remember it's always been the same.

Sep 20, 2017
Can’t touch meterial
by: Craig

My son is 14 he has the same thing if there is a cure please let me know thank

Sep 08, 2017
by: megan

I have had this too all my life. Im 15 now and I hate it when my hands get wet... omg I cant stand it... it just makes me cringe.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Tyler

I have had this problem my entire life. My parents have taken me to specialist after specialist since I was a toddler (19 now) only to get treated like we have five heads. It was only recently did my dad find this page, and it's so nice to feel included. Unfortunately it's only getting worse, but I'm glad I have you

Jun 07, 2017
I have this too!!!
by: Anonymous

I am almost 27 and I have this problem too and I use Roden and fields lotion in the orange bottle

Jun 01, 2017
Hate hands dry
by: Anonymous

I am 11 and I have had this for about 2 years now I hate it I'm glad my family is there for me I also hate lotion and washing my hands with soap also in the shower I cry over this Sometimes I'm glad I'm not alone ☺

May 04, 2017
Sensory disorder?
by: Anonymous

My son is almost nine and a few months ago he started complaining after his shower about his wrinkly hands.It's so bad now that within minutes of being in the shower he starts to freak out about them.He clinches so hard and seems to zone out and just concentrate on his hands.

He slipped tonight because he couldn't balance himself and starts crying to get out before we're done and cry's for minutes afterwards. It's been so frustrating, I don't know what to do and I've noticed other issues with noise and concentration.

We've been to the doctor and they say he'll grow out of it and just want to medicate him. Nothing seems to work and I hate the medication part.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Mar 23, 2017
by: Anonymous

Im 17 now and have had this problem for about 5 or 6 years now!

Feb 27, 2017
This is my Son!
by: Anonymous

My son is 12 and has this. Hates taking showers or baths. Draws his hands up and will not put on clothing. Lotions aren't helping either.

Will not touch paper! Becomes a problem because he gets so upset not wanting to get dressed or go to school. I changed his bathing routine and it has helped some with school.

I'm glad to know this is a real medical problem and that he is not alone.

Makes me sad too

Feb 08, 2017
I knew I couldnt be the only one
by: Anonymous

I hate getting my hands wet and I hate getting wet unless I'm mentally prepared... I will use a whole roll of paper towels in less than a week by myself...

At first my family would tease me about having a paper towel fetish but I see now that it was the extreme dislike of having anything on my hands that made them feel wet or uncomfortable... my family would tell me don't tell anyone that sounds crazy... and recently my boyfriend told me the same thing so I decided to do some investigating...

I'm glad I now know that there is a name for what I have and I'm not OCD or "CRAZY"

Dec 31, 2016
by: Anonymous

I've got this too!! Unbearable after shower, bathing , washing up .. swimming! Had it for as long as I can remember and I'm now 36. It feels so sore and I clench my fists so tightly and reach for the cream immediately but it doesn't help for quite a while.

I can't bare the feel of a towel to dry me after .. I always thought when I can afford it I will have a hot air blower to dry me as I come out of the shower. It's awful to live with. I avoid washing my hands as much as possible because of this.

Dec 15, 2016
Reply to Anonymous wondering for years...
by: Anonymous

Sadly things will not get better, SPD is permanent so your daughter will always deal with this. There are things Therapy can do to help her properly deal with the feelings she gets from water, however they will not get rid of those feelings.

Dec 15, 2016
I wondered for YEARS!
by: Anonymous

My daughter is 17. She hates to shower, bathe, washes her hands and brush her teeth. I have asked for YEARS when is she going to stop fighting me to shower!?!? Doctors and therapists said that she would get over it. Well, she is now being diagnosed with a sensory disorder and we were referred to a occupational therapist. Praying thing things get better for her and your little guy!

Dec 11, 2016
I thought I was alone in this...
by: Anonymous

I have whatever it is too, but it doesn't hurt, it's more of an extremely uncomfortable feeling, it's gotten worse and I can't stand it. Lotions or gloves don't work for me and my dream job was to be a marine biologist.. As you can tell, that job won't work out.. My family don't understand and when I complain about it, they just laugh, it stresses me out and I can't touch anything for up to 2/3 days now. It's really annoying and I'm glad I'm not alone in this.

Nov 25, 2016
I feel your pain!
by: Anonymous

Ugh, Ugh ugh ugh! At least i'm not alone. I HATE getting my hands all pruney. And I also hate how my family doesn't take it into consideration that I feel this way. A couple days ago, I finally found the courage to ask for gloves, and my mom got mad at me. Thank the lord that i'm not alone with this problem, and others have it, but, I need to shower in a couple of minutes, and I don't want to. I know showering is vital, and I like it, but I only rush out of it because of my hands. Wish me luck :(

Sep 18, 2016
Wow incredible!!!
by: Coralee

My daughter is 8, and everyday is a struggle to get her in the shower and dressed. She refuses to wash her own hair and to use body wash because "my hands get soft" she says, I used to think she was playing me, until Tonight she was in tears over her "soft hands" I literally had to dress her.

She won't hold my hand if she has had a shower or swim or bath that day cause she can't stand the way I feel. Lol... She even holds her hands super tight so her nails dig into her palms. Should I be worried? I have to pry her hands open with her screaming at me to stop cause I thought she was making it up... So now that I know it is a problem, and it does exist, what can I do to help her..

I see alot of the same story's but no reason why this is happening to our children. Super frustrating cause I see how this affects her, what can I do? And what is causing this? Does she have a sensory overload issue? Autism? Will it go away? She hates loud noises too... However we are both very boisterous. It hurts me to see her struggle in school cause she won't touch a paper or pencil with "soft hands" please help us.

Sep 03, 2016
is there any cure ?
by: Anonymous

I know how your poor son feels because i have the same problem . i dont know if there is any cure for this or i have to suffer from this for the rest of my life

Jul 18, 2016
This page has helped me understand my son's reaction to water.
by: Anonymous

Hi,so glad I found these comments to know my son isn't alone. Like the person who last commented, my son refuses showers and bushing his teeth due to how water makes him feel. He screams when we force the shower. And he also has the same reaction to the feel and sound of paper. My son has immune deficiency and metal toxicity that is causing these sensory issues. Good luck to everyone with this sensory issue. I can't imagine how you all must feel!

Jun 22, 2016
Sensory issues to water, paper, textile
by: Anonymous

Hi, my 12yo refuses to shower or brush his teeth due to the painful type sensation he gets when his body is wet, I can see the physical response he has (goose bumps etc). He also has the same response with paper...the touch and sound of it, many textiles (he has one set of sheets he will sleep on), and textures of every day objects. It has got to the stage where it really impacts on his every day life (and mine). He will not use lotion as this also gives him the unpleasant feelings, I'd love to hear anymore suggestions anyone may have. Thanks

Jun 11, 2016
Painful hands after water exposure
by: Anonymous

My daughter, now 12 years old, has had this since she was 4. We tried everything and her solution was, and still is, wearing socks and gloves (the small cotton/poly pair you can find at Walmart, the dollar store, drug stores) temporarily after exposure to water. It stops the pain right away.

Jun 08, 2016
I'm not alone in this world!!
by: Lori Salsbury

I have, up until now, NEVER met or heard of anyone with this condition. Everyone I have asked has no clue.

I hate showers because it is upwards of an hour after before my hands and feet feel normal again, and that is after 3-5 applications of lotion.

I hate public restrooms because I know everyone (except me) washes their hands after...but I don't. I get talked about at work when I don't wash my hands before eating, but what they don't understand is that I CAN'T.

But y'all understand!!

Add me on FB if you want.

May 03, 2016
Omg I'm so happy I've found yall!!
by: Brittanh

I am almost in tears!! I really thought I was not normal or something was wrong with me!!! For as long as I can remember I have to have lotion on my hands and feet multiple times after getting them wet. I just cringe if im not around my lotion and they get wet. Getting out of the pool I have to clinch my fists or hold them against my skin. I dread my showers because my recovery time is a few hours!!! Especially with my feet! Again same with me the ocean doesn't affect me hardly at all! Jergens lotion has been my best friend for about 15 years!!

Feb 10, 2016
Weinkly hands
by: Anonymous

I am a final year student nurse and we have to wash our hands every 5 minutes nearly and it is agony for me because i cannot stand the way it feels to have wet hands touvhing things or getting wrinkly iv had this since i was a baby and dint want to have a shower/bath beacause my hands would get wrinkly :(:(:( its horrible esp if i touch my other hand or someone elses hand tips mine when they are wrinkly or cardboard can anyone help . Labels also cause me irritation to my skin and it goes all red and itchy so its not in my head

Jan 09, 2016
What a relief
by: Anonymous

I'm nearly 30. I have been a water baby all my life. The only secret I've ever kept at bay is my sensitivity on my hands and feet after a shower or swim. After a shower, I cannot touch a thing-I usually have to squeeze my fists together and lurch for my jug of lotion-I like toe diabetic kind, as it is thick and coats my skin best. No one has ever known except for my partner. I am good at keeping it a secret even in the summer, I always have sun block and people see me opening it but I don't think they see me slathering it on my hands and feet so much. This has been rough all my life. I can't explain the sensitivity. It just gives me the heebeejeebies to think about it. I've waited up to 2 hour for my hands to 'cure' before touching anything. Either holding my hands in a fist or sitting on them on a flat surface like sealed wood. The most desperate scenario I have been in is putting lipgloss on my hands i na desperate attempt to resolve the sensitivity when I didn't have lotion. Glad to see there are others out there. What is the name for this?

Jan 03, 2016
I'm the same!
by: Anonymous

I'm 15 and I have had this for as long as I can remember, I thought I was the only one! I use a cream and it is called neutrogena and that's the best cream I have had hope that helps

Dec 20, 2015
Me too!!!
by: Anonymous

I'm only 12 and it had this problem for as long as I can remember! The only thing that kind of works is a lot of lotion and even that dose t to the job. Almost everyone thinks I'm just messing around and doesn't get it. I wish there was a cure!

Nov 07, 2015
another piece of the puzzle
by: trying to help 20yr old son with this

My 20 yr old son CANNOT touch anything after he gets out of the shower. He has found that moisturizer helps a lot. Interestingly, he always enjoyed doing all sorts of messy art projects as a child, maybe because we always had so much fun doing it together. We are looking at other aspects of SPD that might be affecting him as well. He has also been oversensitive to smells. Because he has plenty of younger, louder siblings he has learned to deal with a LOT of his sensitivities. What was very annoying has served to help him greatly.

Oct 23, 2015
Same problem
by: Anonymous

I am 15, and ever since I remember I hate my fingers after the shower or pool because it gets wrinkly. I can't touch my own fingers, other people's hands and the same thing with toes, I usually put socks on right after the shower. I even have swim gym at school and it is hard for me to hold the pencil for the next class, I was thinking it could be a sign on OCD but I'm not sure. Anybody have any advice?

Sep 17, 2015
i hate when my hands get wet
by: zoe

im 13 and when i was 4 i went swimming with my dad and brothers and i loved it but when i turned 12 i got a pool and i got out and my hands went dry and i never liked it and i had no lotion so i put gloves on my hands and it were ok so when my mum got some lotion everytime i have a shower or bath or go swimming i always bring lotion and it works :) and about 5 mins ago cos its 16:28 17/9/2015 i had a shower and got my hands wet and my mum told me to put on some lotion and i had to go to get it so i got my gloves and got it and now i can type and touch my hands lol i also had to put it on my feet

Aug 22, 2015
oh my!
by: Crystal

i have it so bad I've used BJ fish bait when fishing after getting my hands wet because I didn't have lotion

Jun 30, 2015
i think I understand
by: Anonymous

i have had this for as long as i can remember and i believe that this is some sort of reaction to what we put in water in order to clean it, such as chlorine. I think this is the cause because when i go in the ocean my hands feel fine after and when i go in a pool the feeling is intensified majorly compared to if i just took a shower since pools have more chlorine than tap water. Also, a week ago i went to mexico and i was warned not to drink the water because they dont do much to clean the water compared to the united states... and oddly enough, after showering there my hands and feet felt fine....

May 15, 2015
Dryness after wet hands
by: Anonymous

I have had this problems since I was kid. Washing my hands, showers swimming etc I have to put lotion on for hours to get it to feel "normal". As a kid my parents told me I had this disgusting habbit (I agree) of spitting on my hands to try and make the dryness go away. This effects my feet as well. Is there anything I can do to help with this? I want to live a life where this isn't an issue. Any help would be great.

Feb 05, 2015
I've suffered from this for years!
by: Anonymous

The only thing that's ever is lots and lots of moisturizing cream. A few years ago, I started taking showers right before bed so most of the recovery process took place while I was asleep. Even now, showering isn't something I look forward too. Strangely enough, seawater doesn't have the same effect. I can submerge my hands in the ocean and have no difficulty touching dry surfaces afterwards.

Nov 11, 2014
Thought I was the only one!
by: Anonymous

Keri Lotion is the only thing that has ever worked for me. It is very thick and makes the feeling go away fairly quickly. I don't know what I would do if they ever went out of business!!

Oct 13, 2014
try Lotion
by: Anonymous

Oh wow FINALLY! I thought I was the only person with this problem. I am addicted to lotion because of this reason. If my hands get wet at all I have to put on lotion immediately before I can touch anything. Before lotion I'd cringe and freak out. Lotion is the only thing I've found that has helped me deal with this problem.

Sep 11, 2014
Am I the Only One??
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem. My mom thinks I'm weird, i just can stand it but really gets me is that if my hands do get wet i can't touch my hands together or touch anyone else's hand I physically can't if I do i get chills and feel like I'm going to throw up. Am i the only one? Just typing this paragraph gave me chills.

Sep 05, 2014
Im not the only one!
by: Anonymous

Its an indescribable discomfort! Its so frustrating becasue nothing will cure it!

Aug 21, 2014
Me too!
by: Claire

I have that too! I'm actually a hopeful Olympic athlete, so I just have to deal with it, but we've made it so I don't have to touch paper, cardboard, or anything like that until my hands dry because I can't stand it.

Jul 17, 2014
by: Anonymous

I really thought that I was the only one, I'm 15 years old and I just gave up touching water, I just can't stand it. I take a bath once a month, but I wash my hair every week with gloves. And if I touch water I must put lotion on.

May 13, 2014
Wow! Me too!
by: Amy

I'm almost 30 and I have always wondered what is wrong with me. Ever since I was little, after taking a bath, swimming or washing my hands, I would have this undescribable feeling in my hands and had to either lick them, sit on a smooth wood chair and have my hands under me or clench my fists. Once I was to the age that I knew about lotion, I always immediately have to apply lotion to my hands. I avoid washing them in the bathroom or if I have to, I keep lotion in my purse. The feeling of cloth especially freaks me out if I don't apply lotion fast enough. At home, I get out of the shower and immediately apply lotion, a lot of times repeating it until the feeling goes away. When I went swimming, I had to have lotion right when I got out of the pool because hands touching a towel after so long without lotion, makes me squeamish! The only lotion that really works for me is Suave. I have always used that and it's not because it's cheap. I have found that it is the only lotion that really takes that feeling away. Wow!! Glad to know that I'm not alone but what is this called? Is there a diagnosis??

May 10, 2014
This helps me and my girl.
by: Anonymous

Me and my youngest daughter has this problem. We found that using a light lotion followed up with a heavier lotion speeds up the time to when we can touch irritating items. Its painful to touch almost anything after our hands get wet. It does get less sensetive as i get older but i still need lotion. I have attributed this issue with my ability to find pain in others by a touch and many times healing pain in others with my hands. Its very amazing how this awful curse of sensitive hands has been a blessing to those in pain. My daughter hands are the same.I wouldnt trade it.

Apr 21, 2014
hard time washing hands and showering
by: Anonymous

my son has this same issue. Showers are difficult. I have to put latex gloves on him. And he washes with hand wipes.if he does wash with takes a day for his hands feel normal.

Apr 11, 2014
by: Anonymous

I've had the same problem all my life. Ever since I was a kid I was very confused because I could not write anything in class if I had just washed my hands. Just thinking about the feeling sends shivers down my spine. I feel it mostly in my hands and feet. I can't touch paper or cardboard or certain types of wood or any type of clothing or cloths.

The only way I can deal with it is using the buttery sort of lotions that stay on the skin to act as a barrier between my hands and whatever I'm touching.

I don't understand the cause and wondering if it is genetic because my mother has the same thing although she got it when she was older.

I wish I knew what to call "it".

I am glad I decided to finally google this today to know that I am not crazy.

Mar 06, 2014
sensory problems hands and feet
by: Anonymous

Wow my son is 11 and he has always had this problem
Were after a shower, swimming. Etc he can not touch anything with his hands or feet for hours he licks his hands and says everything his feet touch,tiles carpet. His feet hurt,his hands hurt he goes off yelling. About the feel of his hands and feet ever night l am going to get it properly seen to as he has learning problems and sleeping. Problem he falls asleep o.k but wakes and gets out if his bed every night about 12:00am and refuses to go to sleep in his own bed as he says he's scared and pulls out a spare mattress and sleeps on it in the lounge outside my bedroom door,he hasent sleep the whole night in his bed for 3 years he always has had a sleeping issue ever since he was born, his sensory problems have got worse lately and moisturizer is no longer helping

Jan 06, 2013
I'm glad to learn about it
by: Anonymous

My son is two and a half, and I was wondering why he hates water on his hands , he will cry until get dry. He is ok with a bath but no showers or water falling into his hands. Is there any specialist that treat this, besides the gloves and lotions?please help!!!

Nov 13, 2011

hi i have had this all my life,it won`t get better....they aint feeling pain there confusing the feeling....imagine running your fingers down a chalk board it isnt nice well with this disorder thats the feeling and it takes hrs sometimes upto 2 days for it too go....i avoid contact with water as much as possible.....theres loads of people out there with it the only slight help is eczema cream but it takes a while too work....sometimes the greasiness of creams is just as`ll be be just a case of putting up with the clenched hands and loads of other symptoms theres a few people here

Aug 27, 2011
Chlorine Sensitivity
by: Anonymous

Hi Charlotte - I just read your comment and know exactly what you are going through. We did go to a pediatric neurologist who suggested Occupational Therapy to "retrain" his hands to tolerate water -- this is kind of like cognitive behavioral therapy. We haven't done this yet because just the thought of "therapy" to Chris seemed to be worse than the sensitivity of his hands. What I have discovered on my own is that a lot of people have a chlorine sensitivity or allergy. I believe that is the cause of our situation. Chris doesn't have the same reaction to water when he swims in the river -- only with baths and washing his hands. This may be the same situation with your child although that wouldn't explain the hand sanitizer. There is a product called, "DermaSwim" that swimmers use for chlorine sensitivity. It seems to help a little but it does wash off quickly Just google it and you will see the website. There is also a product called, "Wonder Glove" that hospital professional use on their hands because they wash them so much. It apparently doesn't wash off until after 3 -4 four washes so it may provide a better barrier. We haven't tried that one yet. Good luck.

Aug 23, 2011
Same symptoms
by: Charlotte

My daughter is 8 and has had these same symptoms since she was 3 or 4. She hates a shower because then her hands and feet "hurt" as she says and she can't touch ANYTHING after she has had one. She just got out of the shower in which I made her wash her whole body and use her hands. She let me know "now you have to feed me my snack, because I can't touch anything with my hands." She even needs help getting dressed. She refuses to wash her hands ever and as well uses hand sanitizer. She loves to go swimming but for hours after clenches her hands and toes up and wont do anything. Its very frustrating! My mom says we need to work on desensitizing them by brushing them with a hair brush. She says I was like it when I was really young and that is what they told her to do with me, of course she wont let us do it.

Apr 03, 2011
Exact Same Symptoms
by: Charis

I am in shock to have just read about your child. My son is 12 and started having the EXACT same reaction to water on his hands about 18 months ago. He has had to quit the swim team because it has gotten so bad. He won't wash his hands (uses hand sanitizer) and after his shower at night, he clinches his hands and goes crazy if he touches any kind of paper. His pediatrician just made an appointment for him with a pediatric neurologist to test for sensory problems. I will post the results and what kind of treatment we pursue. Thank you for posting this - it is good to know there are others who understand exactly what you are experiencing. Good luck to you and your child!

Feb 20, 2011
by: Letha Marchetti OTR/L

Since the hands are specialized for sensation - lots more nerve endings than most other places on the body, they are often an area of issue when a child is hypersensitive.

Occupational therapists deal with this sort of thing. It's not uncommon with SPD children. Call around and find an OT who is a match. You'll both be happier for it.

Jan 19, 2011
possible idea?
by: Anonymous

Is there any kind of waterproof glove that will seal around his wrist to keep water out? Is that the only part of his body that is sensitive to water? These are the first ideas that come to mind. I will keep thinking about this and post again if I come up with any other suggestions.

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