Behavioral Poop Holding

by Michael

Our 3.5 year old boy has SPD and has had recurring bouts of poop holding (i.e., he has to go but actively fights against allowing the poop to come out). This is fear of the sensation of the bowl movement, not "constipation" related to hardness of the poop or related "dietary" issues.

We have used Miralax for the last 2 years and it has helped, but recently it has lost its effectiveness (we have adjusted dosage accordingly, dosage isn't the problem). Its that our son has grown stronger and can resist the need to go better than ever.

We are currently on a cycle of 3 or 4 days of lots of very small "abbreviated" (ie, leakage, "pinched off", etc.) poops occurring with lots of screaming and crying and anxiety, and eventually, around day 5 of the cycle (if we are lucky), 1 large, extremely painful, poop. What to do? We are going insane!


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Jun 05, 2019
Great article
by: JP

Oct 10, 2016
by: Mike

Hello and sorry to hear of your daughter's (and your's) issue. The first question that must be addressed is why is this happening? Is there a mental health problem like autism spectrum or sensory processing dysfunction? We found great help via our state's university extension office - They had a program specifically to help in early life bathroom issues. Point being, get a diagnosis from your health care professionals and than tailor the treatment accordingly. Look to your pediatrician, your hospital, and perhaps most likely to help, a family counseling mental health expert. Good luck.

Oct 10, 2016
14 year old daughter with bathroom issues
by: Judy

I have a 14 yr. old daughter that refuses to wipe herself after she pees and poops. l have to do it and I even went away for a couple of days and she wouldn't go and held it for 2 days.I Couldn't believe it!

She has constipation issues where she wont go for months just leakage. We take her to get cleaned out at least 3 times a year and she hates it. We can not seem to find a doctor that will say or do anything to help her and a;ll they say is give her Miralax which doesn't work on her and all the other garbage that we gave her.

There is a lot more to say but I don't have time o say it but if any body can help me to help her please let me know.My email is you!

Nov 10, 2014
by: Anonymous

My son also had similar issues at that age. We ended up taking him to the children's hospital where he had to have an enema. The amount of poop he released was shocking to us.

That experience alone was able to make him realize the importance of going poop regularly.

We also took him to our chiropractor. My son was very locked up in his lower back, which often causes a disconnect to your brain telling you that you need to have a poop. He had 1 adjustment and pooped 12 times that day! It was so surprising!

I think the combination of the hospital experience and the chiropractor solved the problem.

Not sure if this would be helpful, but it definitely helped us. :)

May 15, 2014
by: Anonymous

My 6 year old son has issues with constipation. I'm sure part of the reason is because it hurts so he holds it in. He would come home from school with smearing in his underwear most days. I read in a book, "What's Eating Your Child" that a milk allergy can cause chronic constipation. We have taken him off milk. He now drinks Almond milk. The consistency of his poops is solid, but much softer. He no longer screams and cries when we insist that he try to use the toilet. We still have to occasionally hive him lax a day, but at least it's not everyday. Even on lax a day every day he would still not be able to ho yo the washroom most days and therefore would come home with a slight mess in his pants 3-4 times a week. Now we have sometimes one or two accidents a week, but he actually initiates going yo the bathroom. Who knew milk could be the cause of this problem

Dec 10, 2013
by: Anonymous

Try GaBa to reduce anxiety
Give lactulose to soften stool.
This is commonly prescribed for these son is same

Jan 10, 2013
My son did the same thing.
by: Anonymous

He still will not go in a public bathroom, but I finally convinced him it was better to stay on the toilet and let it all come out, because the alternative can certainly be worse. It is hard to balance true helpful information without terrifying him about something new. My son is twelve now and still we have issues with poop. He doesn't like it when it is too soft, but because he refuses to let it all go, he often has bouts of constipation and loose stools. It is needless to say very frustrating. Now that he is twelve he doesn't like taking the laxatives because of taste. That is sometimes enough to make him go and get it over with. I pray you find a way to make it happen peacefully.

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