hiya, my 9 yr old , when he was a baby, cried when his older brother swung him back in his pram, screamed the place down, when havn hair washed would cry and cry it was sore. Haircuts where terrible along with brushing his teeth. Now he describes it as pain, we persaveird, and now he does all of the above , a little moaning but now i,d say hes pretty used to it. He was terrible with a shirt and tie for school, we got round this by buying larger collared shirts, then no probs. Their is always a way round problems when you find out what exactly the problem is. Find out is it the water on your childs face,hair what exactly it is, do u have trouble brushing hair?? etc
I am working with a child who is so sensitive to the feel of paper or anything like it with a dry feel, he says. He uses a transparency paper to put under
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation