Balance boards and discs play a unique role in sensory integration therapy.
The key is to identify these children as early as possible, so we can begin to improve their skills before it has severely affected their self-esteem and physical performance in life. There are many ways we, as therapists, can help children work on their gross motor skills, balancing skills, bilateral coordination, fears of their feet leaving the ground, or difficulties dealing with unsteady/uneven surfaces.
Balancing boards & discs are just one of many fun therapeutic tools. Now, you too can have one of these right in your own home! No need to bring your child to therapy 2x per week just for that. Use these boards at home for some creative, yet invaluable therapy which your child desperately needs. (Don't misunderstand, I am not saying give up therapy, just suggesting a way to work on these skills at home too.)
Using a balance disc or board for therapeutic training and practice will help your child overcome fears and develop the necessary skills for normal childhood activities which require good balance and coordination.
With a combination of exercises, physical or occupational therapy, practice, and using equipment such as balance boards and discs, your child may finally be running, jumping, climbing, walking across unsteady/uneven surfaces at the playground, playing sports, and riding bikes with their peers.
If you desire these skills for your child (or your child desires them) and you want to help them with their "therapy" right from the comfort of your own home, then a balance board is just what you need!
Your child will love it because it is fun to use AND because they will gain the balance and coordination skills necessary to keep up with their peers. No one should be left behind!
Learn how balancing boards can be an important part of a sensory room.
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