A 7 year old in his own world....
Our 7 year old son, lives in his own little world. He has shown weirdness from the beginning. He seeks sensory yet runs from it.
Like, touches everything, but covers his ears and sometimes will cry over noises like fire alarm or kids ringing bells. Had to force him into getting use to wearing clothing. Began stripping himself of clothing and diapers as soon as he learned to take them off.
Role plays animals daily. Can't stay out of the dirt, he ruins all his cloths because he can't stay away from messy things.
Bounces, jumps, climbs, jumps of, absolutely can not focus or sit still without medications. Hears things no one else can hear, like lights. Eye examinations come out completely perfect and can read further down the chart then even I can with my glasses on.
Prefers to play alone. Will sometimes play with other but often tiers of them and will go off on his own. Likes to play in small places like under the table or in closets. Talks to himself all the time, like right now he is on the computer and talking to himself or he is talking to the computer.
Can not go to sleep at night with out medication. Without medication he will stay awake till 3 or 4 am. As of right now he was diagnosed with adha, ppd, possible autism (ADHD is said to be so strong that it's covering up other problems but shows some symptoms of autism) This is just some of the things about our son.
There are some many things that make him a lot different then what is typically normal. SPD?????? Maybe we should have him retested........