What Type Of School Is Best For An SPD Child?
Do you know what types of schools SPD children do well in? Montessori? Traditional?
These children typically do well in a school that can provide low class size, and lots of opportunities for hands on learning and movement throughout their day. Many Montessori schools can provide an ideal environment for these kids, but you would want to go observe and ask questions for yourself as some individual owners have their own versions and do not provide the same level of open learning experiences and tolerance for different learning styles as most Montessori schools.
Some private or charter schools can be a good choice, depending on their philosophy of learning. Traditional schools do vary in the level of services provided and class size, and may not always be the best choice for our SPD kids. It entirely depends on the district, the severity of the child's needs and the accommodations needed and provided.
And there is homeschool. With over 2 million homeschoolers in the USA today, many families are choosing this method for their children who have special education or learning needs.
There is a lot of support these days by many professionals in this field that this type of learning and support may be the best situation for many of our SPD kids. But it is true, it is not for everybody, and is an option that would need great consideration.