A Vibrating Mattress: Just The Soothing Input You Need To Calm Your Little One

A vibrating mattress may just be the missing tool you need to help your child sleep through the night.

How many of us do that gentle shaking, rocking, or patting to our child as we hold them to get them to sleep? Let a vibrating mattress do the work for you!

Why hold your child until your arms fall asleep, finally put them down, only to start the process all over because they woke up when the motion stopped?

These mattresses can continue to soothe your child while you go get something else done (or sleep yourself!)

I know MY life, as well as my daughter's would have been easier with one! Our daughter spent countless nights in her vibrating chair inside her crib for the entire night just so she could stay asleep.

The rewards, for yourself of a vibrating bassinet or mattress (time, uninterrupted sleep, free hands) and the rewards of all night soothing comfort for your child will have a tremendous impact on both of you.

In particular, little ones with sensory processing disorders may absolutely need the vibrating input to help keep their nervous system calm.

If you have a child with signs of sensory processing disorders, or a particularly fussy baby/child... give one a try. You may be pleasantly surprised by the relief and sensory calmness it provides. For some children it literally means sleep or no sleep!

AAAAHHHH...comfort, peace of mind, and a restful sleep for both of you!

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Related Resources and Further Reading

The Baby Sleep Solution Audio Program - In Just 35 Minutes This Audio Program Teaches You How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night Every Night - 100% Guaranteed. Ideal For Parents Whose Toddler Or Infant Has Sleep Problems.

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