General Sensory Integration/Sensory Processing Treatment Guidelines
These are general treatment guidelines which should always be followed when working with children with sensory processing disorders.
They will be the key to effective therapy!
It will be absolutely necessary to keep the following principles in mind!
The goal is not to CHANGE the child, but rather, to learn how to interact positively with them and help minimize difficult times.
Be aware of, allow for, and accept individual needs.
Tune into timing, frequency, and duration of difficult times. Use a chart to see patterns.
Be patient, validate them, and communicate that you understand!
Treatment Guidelines For Hypersensitive Children: (over-reacts to sensory input)
Slow/gradual introduction to sensory stimuli
Do not force child to move, taste, touch things which cause a significant fearful response
Prepare child/let child know what you are doing ahead of time and while engaged in activity/treatment
Allow child to experience sensations when he is ready. You CAN encourage it and creatively find a way to get him to do it
Let the child know you understand and accept what they are feeling!
Be patient, allow extra time, ask the child what is making them feel anxious, sad, angry etc. Give them words to use to express
their feelings and emotions.
Treatment Guidelines For Hypo sensitive Children: (under-reacts to sensory input)
Make child aware of body parts through heavy work/input and sensory play
Remind child to do what HIS body needs to do, but safely. Help him understand his own sensory needs
Use as much deep pressure and heavy work as needed and tolerated
Allow child more movement experiences and movement breaks
Have child do activities in a variety of positions; sitting, kneeling, laying on stomach propped on elbows, sitting on a therapy ball, etc.
As Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, author of "
Raising Your Spirited Child: A Guide for Parents Whose Child Is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic
" (1991)said,
"If your child is a high energy kid, expect it, don't fight it... plan for it!"
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