My 9 yr old is still unable or unwilling to wipe himself after a bowel movement. We have tried gloves and wet wipes,threats and bribery. He gags and says he will throw up. If pushed to try he
holds it in to the point he is soiling himself.
The only advice his psyc MD has is make him do it.
We have a 6 year old with SPD and we have to help him. What we have done is a point system-he gets a point on his behavior chart if he attempts to wipe and then I finish up the messy part. He gets instantly rewarded if he wipes well, and I only check. We are slowly getting there but it is taking a long time.
Son wiping himself by: Anonymous
My 7 year old has the same issue- this is a real issue for these kids it is NOT BEHAVIORIAL. My son has proprioceptive issues, he cannot tell where his hands are when not in sight. When he wipes himself it is very messy and hard for him, so he just gives up!
OT is slowly helping, in the meantime if I am home I help him- which drives my Husband crazy! Help your son, get him some help it will get better. Email and let me know how you are doing.
Toileting by: Amma
How about having him clean himself during a bath or soon after when there is no poop to deal with. Once he gets comfortable with the action itself he could be eased into using the action during actual toileting.
I am working with a child who is so sensitive to the feel of paper or anything like it with a dry feel, he says. He uses a transparency paper to put under
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation