My son is 3 1/2 with SPD. A light bulb has just went off in his head. He knows what the potty is, where it is, pretends to have to use it and then doesn't. He just laughs and runs off. Then I find him streaking the house. When I look for his pull up, I have been finding it somewhere throughout the house. Usually located by a puddle of pee or pile of poop.
So, now that he has realized what the potty is, he doesn't want to go in the pull up anymore, but he just isn't going to the bathroom. He only says a few words. The language is finally starting to pick up. He knows a handful of words and is just now starting to repeat words and he only understands about 20 commands. Potty, I guess is not one of them.
Has anyone had this problem and know how to fix it. I have tried underwear. He likes them better than pullups but I have been finding them on the floor as well. I just don't know what to do. We even have a little potty that is accessible to him in his room. He pulls down his pull up, sits on it and then imitates a peeing sound but he doesn't do it.
potty training by: Anonymous
We have had similar problems with my son who is 5. He finally got trained for going pee last year.
What worked for that is we put him in underwear. He hates getting his clothes wet, so it worked well. It took a couple of days and many, many accidents before he realized what was happening. Then, there were a few days of him running to the toilet, sometimes making it, sometimes not.
Finally, he figured it all out. I am convinced it was the getting wet that connected the feeling of having to go in his head. He is totally trained in that way and hasn't had an accident in forever.
However, he still poops in his pants and has yet to actually go on the toilet by himself. We have been giving him Miralax to loosen his bowels and he is making some bit of headway, but not a whole lot.
anxiety meds gave huge success... by: Anonymous
Yes, I know this may be controversial, but my nearly 7 yr old with SPD is just no way near being toilet trained. She knows the feeling of needing to go, (I can read her face) but if we can finally get her to sit on the loo, she cannot seem to "relax" to let go. It takes hours of back & forth every 15 mins to produce the smallest wee.
This is a complex mix of having high & low muscle tone, and SPD I think, plus her language is hardly there, so hard to know what's really going on.. ANYWAY... a new pediatrician I saw wanted to know what I thought of trialing an anti anxiety med just to get her thru this stage and hopefully relaxed about it all. AND... we have had massive success... within 3 wks, she will always sit on loo when we prompt, and instantly do a wee, she has even taken herself about 4 times in 3 wks, amazing.. !!!
She will also now ask for nappy for #2's, do a poo, then take nappy to loo and put in in. I can't tell you how huge this all is. Obviously
Also there by: Sylvia
Hi. My son is 3 1/2 and i also tried all to no avail. We will be seeing an OT and i hope something positive will come of it. He is constipated mostly during the week when he is at school. At home he is OK, but no potty and no toilet. I do not know what to do hence the OT. Will be following this page with interest and let you know how it is going with me and son.
See a pediatric gastroenterologist by: Erika
We had similar problems and tried everything - bribes, punishments, explanations of the functioning of the digestive system - all to no use.
When he started OT, the OT recommended a pediatric gastroenterologist other patients had used. What a change - turns out he had been constipated for several years, which made bowel movements painful, which made him resist them, which led to accidents. After a complete flushing of the system and a regular regimen including Miralax & Ex Lax, no more accidents and he is feeling much better (and eating better too).
My almost 6 year old also refuses to sit on toilet by: Anonymous
Hi, I also have an almost 6 year old who also refuses to sit on the toilet and is not potty trained. I feel she also has SPD. She also has low muscle tone. Have you had any luck or any new advice? Thank you.
thanks for your input by: Anonymous
Thank you for your comments. My daughter is seeing a play therapist in conjunction with Tomatis/Occupational therapy. We are making some headway, we found something that really matters to her for an incentive to cooperate and small treats and little steps to lead her through it. Let you know how it goes.
RE:Toilet Training by: Anonymous
If it is just the fact that your child may not be motivated, you may try offering up a treat like m and m's or something. That's what my mom did for me, and it seemed to work :) I have SPD as well.
You're not alone by: Anonymous
My 4 1/2 yr old grandson with SPD refuses also. We were told he may not sense a full bladder or bowel because of lack of sensory input to the involuntary muscles. He will be seeing a developmental pediatrician in a few weeks, hopefully we will get some info as how to help this along.
Have you tried a specialist? It is frustrating for all involved.
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation
I am a 29 year old single mother. I was born with sensory processing disorder. I am amazed their are other adults out there like me that are aware of this
Hi, i just want to share if anyone is experiencing the same. Since i was a kid i cannot sleep if i dont rub my feet on a rough texture fabric which i have