The effect of pets on children with SPD??
by anonymous
Our oldest (adopted) daughter, has recently been diagnosed with mild SPD (under responsive to proprioceptive input to be precise i.e. she is sensory seeking), likely to have been caused by her low birth weight (3 pounds) and confinement to her cot for the first 1 1/2 years of her life (in the orphanage). We adopted her at the age of 2 and she is now 4 1/2.
In Luxembourg, where we live, SPD has unfortunately not yet truly been recognized for what it is, and not a lot of OT's have "touched base" with SPD yet. Thankfully the school she goes to has been very supportive in this respect and is open to working with a sensory diet for her.
We are currently trying to find an OT with good knowledge of SPD that can work with her on a regular basis and have been in touch with a number of people.
Several of these people have suggested that we get a pet for her (cat or dog) as this could help her?
"Horse Therapy" has also been mentioned as a help and we are currently looking into this as well.
Has anyone got any experience with pets and SPD? Could a pet have a positive effect on a SPD sufferer?
Thanks in advance for any advice on this.