Hello! I realize these previous posts are now several years old, but I am interested in getting touch with other S PD parents and looking for a support group that gets together now and then in the GTA? Thanks!
Oct 18, 2012 Rating
Support Group in GTA by: Jodi
Hi Fayth:
Want to start one? Email me at jodipayne17@gmail.com if you're interested. Even a monthly meeting would be nice:)
Oct 17, 2012 Rating
SPD support in Toronto by: Fayth
Just wondering if there is any support group for parents in TO?
Oct 10, 2012 Rating
GTA SPD support group by: Jodi
I realize your post was last year but I've been trying to find or start a support group. My friends don't completely get it. I would love to meet some parents who "get it". I hope to hear from you...I'm in Durham region but will travel:)
Nov 22, 2011 Rating
SPD group by: Charlene M
Hi! My child is 11 years old and has been diagnosed with SPD as well as learning Disability. I would love to meet with other who have the same thing. pls email at charlenekho@yahoo.com
Aug 31, 2011 Rating
Parent support group- gta by: Shannah
Hi Ladies, Please let me know if you have found or formed a group. I would love to be a part of a support group. Have a 6 yr old with SPD...and it's been a looooong summer! Thanks, Shannah Shannah.theyogapath@gmail.com
Jul 13, 2011 Rating
Looking for Parent Support System by: Jennifer Wright
Hi Karyn,
I'm not sure how recent your post is but I am also looking for a parent support network. My four year old son has been diagnosed with SPD and I'm trying to learn as much as I can about the disorder.
I am working with a child who is so sensitive to the feel of paper or anything like it with a dry feel, he says. He uses a transparency paper to put under
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation