STRONG aversion to school!

by cp
(lake in the hills, il)

My 10 year old son with SPD is really struggling in school. I feel that as much as the staff is trying to accommodate, nobody really understands SPD and how it truly affects his days at school.

It is midyear and just getting worse. He screams and cries in the mornings, begging me not to take him 'there' (to school) every single day now. And at the end of the day when I pick him up, he literally runs out the door and quickly walks with me to the car.

We don't even talk about school for the first 1/2 hour we are home so that he can relax and have some alone quiet space before trying to talk about his day. (He is very angry and/or sad for that 1/2 hour until he calms down.)

Please give me advice on how I can help him feel better about going to school each day and let him know that he is ok.

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Sep 05, 2017
Hope this helps
by: Anonymous

I am 18, a college student, and I have spd. I used to do the very same thing, but my mom didn't know what was wrong. I wasn't diagnosed till I was 12.

I was homeschooled starting second grade. I often didn't understand why the teachers would punish the whole room if one person did something wrong. Also, if they are under responders like me, they get overwhelmed at school and can't think. This used to make me feel all the emotions at once and it came out as anger.

My OT taught me ways to cope with this, but everyone's different. I know that your children can succeed in school if given the support they need by you.

Hope this helped

Feb 11, 2017
Auditory sensitivity
by: Lori

Hi everyone

I am so glad to find this page. My son is 6 and he also doesnt want to go to school. He is very over sensitive to noise and gets in fights almost daily because the other students noises bother him.

He also feels like no one likes him and they pick on him, which the teacher said is more his perception than anything.

I have tried to get him to wear noise canceling head phones and he won't.

We just started working with an OT and he has an auditory eval coming up (not soon enough)!

Any other suggestions?

Feb 08, 2017
I Get It
by: Anonymous

My son is also 10 and has SPD We are now home schooling for this very reason. First of all--do you have an IEP? If so, does it REALLY provide the things your child needs? My son needs small class size, lots of individualized attention, lots of sensory breaks and physical activity and most important (and the hardest part about most schools) he needs to not be shamed for being who he is.

Constant admonishment for just being himself (fidgeting, humming, curling up in a ball and covering his ears when he is overwhelmed) just made him feel worthless and he COULD NOT HELP his behaviors. I'm not talking about following directions and having manners--he can and should do those things. but he has tics that he cannot control and he should not be punished or shamed for them.

I demanded it all be in his IEP but ultimately we chose to home school (not for everyone, I know) and it has been great--he goes to classes and groups and has a tutor. He can concentrate for an hour or 2 in class but he doesn't have to be in school for 7 hours a day. Sometimes it drives me crazy and I work part time now instead of full time but if it is an option, you might consider.

I thought my husband would be against it but he is on board too. Good luck and I hope others give better advice about how to handle school.

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