SPD and Tantrums
by Essie
(St. Louis, MO)
My 9 year old son has ADHD Inattentive type and mild SPD. He does great at school. Has a hard time with picking up social cues, but he is in a class with tolerant kids.
He did some OT a few years ago (
How Does Your Engine Run
and a Listening System). The headphones did not really seem to help but the OT seemed to be helpful (no big whistles or AHA moments). His "engine" seems to build up through out the day and at home in the evenings or on weekends, then he decompresses with tantrums.
We try to get a sensory diet in, but we have not had much luck with it. We are told he had proprioceptive and vestibular issues.
How can we create something or times at home for him to find healthier ways to decompress? He is resistant to "skills" and claims they do not help. His tantrums are not violent, but disturbing for his younger brother to witness and we are afraid if we do not find something soon, his teen years are just going to get worse.
Please help. He is such a good kid and he feels so out of control and embarrassed when he tantrums.