how do you help you child in car when there really out of control with there spd
Aug 08, 2011 Rating
spd by: Anonymous
my child is 4 years old but thanks for the help
Aug 08, 2011 Rating
Been In your Shoes by: Anonymous
Look into a weighted blanket, bean bag chair, anything to help your child feel "contained". When a child with spd has too much stimuli they feel like they have no control of their environment. Being snug under a weighted blanket or in a bean bag chair helps them center themselves and calm down. Our son was experiencing so many meltdowns that we took him to a psychologist to see if there was more going on than spd. She confirmed that coping skills were essential to reduce the number of meltdowns. He needed to understand that he can't control everyone and everything. He's 10 yrs old and it took several years to get a handle on his meltdowns. If your child is old enough, ask them to gauge their anxiety on a 1-10 scale. He's able to communicate what his level is and knows that when its approaching 8, 9 or 10, he needs to remove himself from the situation and take a breather. Even though he still has anxiety, his meltdowns have pretty much stopped. This whole disorder is overwhelming at times...Hope this helped.
Aug 08, 2011 Rating
spd by: Anonymous
how do you help your child with this disorder if you dont know any resources. when my child gets angry,we dont even know what triggers it.
Aug 07, 2011 Rating
meltdowns by: Anonymous
So does my son ...and it will get better when she gets older ........ just be patient with her ..
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation
I am a 29 year old single mother. I was born with sensory processing disorder. I am amazed their are other adults out there like me that are aware of this
Hi, i just want to share if anyone is experiencing the same. Since i was a kid i cannot sleep if i dont rub my feet on a rough texture fabric which i have