
My 3 year has some processing disorders. Very, very bright. Half the time he seems okay. His doctor wants to put him on Risperdal. Has anyone tried this; it sounds scary!

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Jun 27, 2018
by: Anonymous

I have had no bad side affects except increased eating which is good cause he is very underweight

Oct 05, 2010
Please be very
by: Anonymous

Please be careful with the use of Risperdal. My son has been damaged by this drug and on a small dosage.

Risperdal treatment has become more widespread over the years. Risperdal is not prescribed exclusively to help treat mental illnesses, but is used more and more to control behavioral disorders in elderly patients, conduct disorders in children, and now for autism in children. J&J had already made an announcement warning Canadian doctors and patients of the Risperdal stroke risks in October 2002, and included in the warning J&J cited 37 reports of Risperdal stroke or Risperdal stroke-like events, including 16 deaths.? Advocacy groups wonder why unnecessary risk is being taken when prescribing Risperdal to patients for reasons other than for psychotic disorders. www.durhamfpa.com

Sep 08, 2010
by: Tiffany

My son has Autism, 6 yrs old, non-verbal. I too was very afraid to put him on medication. His behaviors were getting to the point of self injury. Many teachers, Dr's suggested the Risperidal. I decided to try it, and to my surprise he responded to the med. It took about a week, even teachers noticed his improvement, he calmed down, could focus more. In our case, he did start to increase his appetite, but he is so active, not worried yet about weight, as this med can cause weight gain due to over-eating. In our case his dose started out very small, it has had to be increased a bit every couple of months, to compensate for his adjusting to the med. It is a scary thought, but if in the long run it helps your child, it might be worth a try. Dr will do blood test to check for any side effects. I wish you well, good luck..Every case is different, just advice from my experience's

Jun 17, 2010
us too
by: Anonymous

My 3yr old son's pediatrician recommended it too. He too has adhd and spd and some autistic tendencies. It worked very well for him. The only side effect that was of concern was the eating (it can make some kids want to eat, eat, eat), which she kept an eagle eye on. Each child is different and you have to make the decision best for your child. If you're afraid like I was, sometimes you have to take that leap and hope for the best. If it doesn't work or you don't like it, tell the doctor!

Jun 07, 2010
by: Sandee

Hi, i would first ask the doctor why? Risperadal is used for mental health issues. My son has SPD and ADHD, he is on Straterra which helps him with his anxiety and his hyperactivity. I would hesitate to give any child risperadal especially under the age of 6yo. Who is this Dr. what is his specialty. I would have him evaluated by a child developmental specialist or a specialist who work with SPD on a regular basis. Children with SPD are often perceived as behavior when in reality it is their sensory needs which need regulating.
good luck,
Sandee (NH)

Jun 06, 2010
by: Anonymous

I too struggled with the decision to give my child medication. I decided not to but that is my child and was my decision. Have you tried occupational therapy or any other kind of therapies or a sensory diet. Risperdal is a strong medication and your child is so young. I would think twice especially since you say he seems fine half the time. But again, I don't know your son only you do. My son has processing disorders and I found that the ages of 3-5 were a bit rough and sometimes overwhelming giving him the support he needed. I did find as he grew older he understood coping strategies a lot better and was able to use them more independently or was able to voice how he was feeling and ask for help.

In the end it is your decision and only you know your child. Don't let anyone talk you into doing something you are not comfortable with. Some children absolutely benefit from medication. Just do your research and make a decision that you are comfortable with. Also, there is no reason if you start the medication that you can't take him off of it if you aren't happy with the results. Whatever you decide, Good Luck

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