When your child hits the 1 1/2 to 2 year mark, I guarantee you WILL be purchasing one or more ride on toys for them. Children, parents, and grandparents alike can't resist these riding toys... AND YOU SHOULDN'T!
I know, I know, it's all about how cute they look on these ride on toys for kids, it's a sign of how grown up they are getting, how many photo ops it will present, how much the child will beg for one at the store when they see them, and how much irresistible fun they are!
But wait, there's more!
Ride on toys for kids are an ESSENTIAL ingredient for proper development! Yes, I had to bring this into it since I am an Occupational Therapist who is ABSOLUTELY concerned with children achieving normal developmental skills and milestones. This would include such things as; sitting, crawling, walking, postural development, motor coordination, gross and fine motor skills, and social development.I am also concerned about our "little chickadees" (as one of my professors used to call them) abilities to receive and integrate sensory input.
This would include; tolerating movement (i.e., vestibular input), developing bilateral motor coordination, postural security, gross motor skills, social development, and ensuring the proper amount of proprioceptive input (input to the muscles and joints) is received every day for both calming and endurance.
It's true! Ride on toys for kids are more than just fun!! However, speaking of fun, looking cute, and photo ops, check out these great looking and fantastically fun ride on toys below.
Ride on toys for kids come in all shapes, sizes, and styles. No doubt your choice will not only be based on your child's age and skill level, but also on the one that suits THEIR personality and YOUR "cuteness factor".
Check out the descriptions and pictures below of these ride on toys for kids to help you decide what your child will like best.
HINT: you can even show THEM the pictures for THEIR opinion!. Just click on the picture for more details on price and shipping costs.
Remember, every "little chickadee" needs a ride on toy! You decide what fits them best.
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