by Amy
(Vista, Califronia)
My son went to a typical school from 1st to 3rd grade and during this time he had several chats with the principal.We knew at the time he had ADHD but knew nothing about Aspergers or SPD.
Any ways on one particular visit when he was finished talking to Mr. Barnes(the principal) he walked out of his office turned to the secretary and said " If Mr. Barnes wants me to R-E-S-P-E-C-T him and listen to what he says he needs to R-E-S-P-E-C-T- me and listen to why I did it ! "
She was so shocked and tried to hold her laughter in until after kiddo went outside. Later when I was in the office she told me she had shared what he said and her and the office , Principal included where rolling about it! It was nice they saw the humor in it!
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