Our grandson hates buttons
by Jackie Skellenger
(Mesquite, TX 75150)
Our grandson,(Josh) is five years old. We knew he was different from the time he was very little. He has strong characteristics of OCD, which is dominant in my husband's side of the family. From the time Josh was little he was putting things in line, in order and even taking his hamburger apart in line from bun to bun. Josh wants things in order and when his brother's mess with his stuff it leaves him distraught. Josh has a hard time if his routine is disturbed.
As a baby and even today he has a hard time transitioning from being asleep to full awakeness. If he was woken up from a nap he very seldom woke up without crying. This sweet little boy is very intelligent. He has been putting puzzles together since he was two, and brilliant at memory game. I am not talking about little puzzles, I mean the puzzle with 30 small pieces could be turned over, or upside down, not revealing the picture and he could put it together. What disturbs us all greatly is his intolerance to shirts with buttons. If he is asked to wear a button down shirt, he screams and carries on, says the buttons hurt him, he will cry until he passes out; essentially he acts like this is a really big deal, almost as if it is traumatizing him.
Josh also has eczema extremely bad. When he has a bad break out in the summer months often he will scratch until he bleeds. His pediatric allergist says to mask the symptoms for now and treat the outbreaks. This little boy itches all the time, yet she doesn't want to put him through allergy testing for food until he grows so more; doesn't want to take his favorite foods away until he grows more. Josh is an extremely picky eater; only likes bread, cheese and milk. He does eat peanut butter sandwiches; that is it, all he eats. When you ask the pediatrician about his diet, he says he doubts he is anemic, substitute beans for protein and give him a multivitamin. In the last couple of months Josh has had strep throat twice, H1N1, and the seasonal viral flu. He has been one sick little boy. I realize he is one of four boys and one of them is likely to be sick at one time or another, but seems like there could be different solutions to help Josh.