OT Thinks my son has SPD but I'm not convinced?

by Kindra
(Portland Indiana)

My son is almost 21 months and he is being a late talker he still has yet to say his first word.. he see's a speech therapist once a week and an OT once a week as he seems to have some sensory problems.. The things he does are jumps a lot, spins in circles, shakes head really fast, flaps when mad, hands wrings when excited, stands on his head, runs into the couch really hard and he randomly toe walks.. I am almost certain he isn't autistic because he has no social problems and even though he can't talk he is great at communicating what he wants..

The only area where he seems to have sensory problems is in his activity with the jumping etc.. loud noises don't bug him crowds don't bug him etc just his activities and nothing triggers it he just does it all the time for no reason. Since nothing triggers him I'm not convinced of SPD.. He can be pretty hyper active at times but also has the ability to sit for long periods of time with no problem at the drop of a hat and engage in a activity. He hasn't been DX with SPD but his OT told me today she thinks he has it or some form of a sensory problem. To me he is just a normal always happy toddler who loves to cuddle and jump and is a late talker.. or maybe I'm in denial? But I guess my question is is it possible that he is just a late talker who likes to jump? Since there is no other issues?

And another question he has had a lot of ear troubles lots of ear infections until 15 months when we got him tubes.. and now he is having hearing difficulties in his right ear scoring minimal hearing loss 3 months after the tubes was placed.. is it possible he is shaking his head back and forth etc because his ears are bugging him and flapping because he is frustrated and has no other way of showing it? I don't know just a thought and also from what I understand most kids grow out of it? How might he act when he gets to school age? I'm just having a little trouble understand the disorder..

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May 12, 2010
same issue
by: Anonymous

I have almost the same issue with my son (2 yrs old). He flaps and tip toes when he gets excited. He has speech therapy but no OT. I dont think he has SPD cuz he doesnt have a lot of symptoms, just the tip toeing and flapping I think. Hope we figure this out soon.. Goodluck.

May 08, 2010
by: Kindra

Thanks for answering! I guess the main reason I'm not convinced on SPD is because he has no triggers it seems like he just likes to jump.. he is always laughing and having fun when he is doing it. Along with the other things they seem fun to him. He's been spinning in circles and jumping since he was 12 months and I've never noticed any additional things like you said some might come along he's always done those things and never added anything to the list. When he first learned to jump he did it constantly pretty much 90% of the time.. since he has known how to do it for awhile now he has cut it back to probably about 25% of the time.

So if anything he's cut back on it.. I'm just confused about it all.. Like I said I he hasn't been DX with anything his OT just mentioned SPD or some form of a sensory problem which is obviously why she is here anyways lol.. So he can have sensory issues without actually have SPD? Whats the difference? Thanks to anyone who is trying to help me..

May 08, 2010
A few thoughts
by: Bonnie

One if you aren't satisfied with a dx or with a thought in this case don't go with it. With your son being young there is lots of time to decide and better determine what is going on. It also helps tremendously when they can talk. My son said a total of 7 words when he turned 2 and some of them weren't said correctly. My son has spd (or so some think- two different opinions from different professionals) but I didn't realize something was up until he was 2 and a half or so. But once he started talking it was so much more clear as to what was going on. But his sensitivities are different than your sons so talking may not help a ton.

But the key is that if they truly have spd they DO NOT grow out of it. They might grow or work through things and learn to cope or things might not bother them as bad as they once did or new things might begin to but they will always struggle with spd. With OT or other therapies things can get much better and they may seem normal but it will usually present itself again or in times of stress and illness. So I guess I am trying to say keep watching and researching and give it some time. The OT isnt going to hurt and as long as it financially ok I would continue it. But I would give it some time too as there may be new things you notice as he gets older or he may not have it at all and will grow out of his excited behavior. Good luck!

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