Now I don't know, maybe it's me with SPD and not my daughter like I suspected

by M. R. Miller
(Soap Lake, WA, USA)

Some of these match my daughter's behavior, but as I was going through the checklist for her I recognized myself, both as a child and as an adult, more so than my daughter. I'm positive that she is definitely sensitive and more of an introvert. I'm super sensitive and extremely introverted but would I go so far as to say it's SPD. I don't know. Where do I go from here? I'm so frustrated.

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Mar 20, 2013
Get Answers
by: Anonymous

Seek help from a therapist who is educated on SPD. If anything, you will get answers for yourself. Understanding is always the key to dealing with your issues/ sensitivities. Not only can they help you cope with it, but they can help you get through it easier by using techniques and strategies that lessen the sensitivities..Good Luck to you.

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