Noise, Light, and Smell sensitivities
by Linda
(New Jersey)
I have a feeling if I was born 30 years later, I would have been diagnosed with something. I don't know if it's even worth getting diagnosed. What can you do about it? I don't want to take drugs, because I believe my disabilities and my talents are intertwined.
I'm 48, and have noise, light, and smell sensitivities. It's not nearly as bad as when I was a child, probably because my senses are becoming duller with age. As a kid, I would cry and run away from my grandmother, who was always smiling and laughing, because she was too loud and it hurt my ears. Poor woman thought I didn't like her! I was always content by myself, seeking out a quiet environment. My mother, a sun worshiper, had to force me to go to the beach. I still can't stand direct sunlight. And the crowds! I don't like strangers getting too close to me. Strong perfume drives me nuts. I refuse to eat seafood - can't stand the smell. Noise is the worst. People talking is very distracting, making it very hard for me to concentrate. I can't stand children, especially babies, because high pitched noises are the worst. Luckily, I recognized this very early in life, and refused to have kids. When I was a young child, I could only listen to instrumental music. Singing sounded like conversation to me, diverting my attention from the music. I eventually learned to ignore the lyrics and treat the human voice as another instrument.
To sleep, I need it to be very quiet and very dark. I can't sleep with the window open because of outside noise. The best thing I ever did was move to a home on over 2 wooded acres. Finally, peace, quiet, and only indirect sunlight! I LOVE living alone (with cats - quiet animals - NO SIAMESE!). I'm not sure if I could live with anyone. The sound of the TV would drive me nuts if I was not the one watching it! When I lived with my parents, I always had to take walks/drives just to get my alone time. Now that I have my sactuary, I have found it much easier to deal with social situations. I visit friends and family when I want to, including ones across the country! As long as I know I can always go home, I'm OK. Other people can go home to their noisy environments, and I return to my quiet one!
Anyone looking for a quiet house, I recommend brick all around. It stops noise like you wouldn't believe!
Thanks for this site!