Needing resources in Seattle, WA
by Ruth Williamson-Kirkland
(Seattle, WA)
I am a 63 year old ADULT SPD "survivor." It was been a very long haul to figure out what has been wrong with me since I was small.
SPD appears to be accepted often now for children and hopefully for all sufferer (young and old) this diagnosis will be in the new DSM-V, which will be a large help.
However, could anyone recommend a physician in the PNW who might believe in SPD or a therapist who specifically works with adults?? I survived this illness with no special support or encouragement from my parents or family and simply figured out the best I could how to live the most normal life I can.
However, as I age and have other illnesses and treatments (such as Stage 4 Breast Cancer, and its treatment,) I find that my SPD problems are getting worse and worse.
Any recommends for help for ADULTs with SPD would be SO appreciated.
Thanks, Ruth W-K