Need Some Advice

by Bella
(Fort Smith AR)

My friend's daughter is severely autistic, eighteen years old and a flight risk. Neither of them can ever go out.

Any suggestions? The girl can never go outside, but the mother always has to hold her arms, hands to keep her. Can't leave her alone, either. She will turn on the stove and destroy everything.

I've known them forever. Friends-besties for almost 25 years. It wasn't a big deal when she was little, so I ask because I really am worried about them both. She's single and never really goes anywhere. Home all the time. She doesn't trust sitters. Even if she did, it's sad that the girl can never go outside.

Any advice?

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Jun 20, 2018
Try it little by little
by: Anonymous

Did you find a solution for your friend and her daughter?

I had a similar problem with my son when he was younger.

First, I started training him to respond to come here, when I asked. Even though he didn't get it right away, I kept saying it.

Then I started taking him out just for a few minutes and build up more time as I saw he could handle it.

My son has had tantrum at the house as well as public parks because he did not want to leave. His tantrums and meltdowns are a little better.

But my suggestion is encourage your friend to start taking her out for maybe 5 minutes per day for a week, then try 10 minutes per day the next week.

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