My Daughter Was Diagnosed...

by Single Mom

I'm a single mom... I have 2 girls... My older one has spd along with some other learning disabilities... The more I Learn about it, the more I realize this was my issue in school. Why I had such a hard time with everything. I couldn't make friends. Didn't (and still don't) like crowds... The constant spinning. Chewing my hair. Always fidgeting... Why I couldn't ever get motivated. To do anything. Now as an adult, I have a hard time getting a job. Feeling unmotivated to do anything.

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Oct 18, 2014
by: Anonymous

Ya know, I too have a diagnosed issue. I'm sure glad I didn't get a DIAGNOSES early on in my life. The diagnoses itself is a crutch. I've seen others with the same problems as myself. Early diagnoses then, ... it's so easy not to try as hard. Sure, we can get a label. We then live up to it. We're all grateful to find a name for our problem. Then what? Do not live up to the label!

Regardless of any challenges we may have, we still must live up to our potential ... and much MUCH more! Very hard work or become a statistic, and live up to the labels ...

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