My 4 year old has epic tantrums when transitioning or when he does not want to stop doing an activity
by Michele
My 4 year old has epic tantrums when transitioning or when he does not want to stop doing an activity.
When he tantrums at home and in preschool and he is told what he needs to do and what will come next it takes him 15 - 20 minutes to process how he is behaving, what the consequence is, what is expected of him, and whether or not he has affected others with his disruptive behaviors. So he is getting there and will discuss his emotional state once out of the tantrum but they are epic when happening.
So we, (his teachers, preschool, OT, and PT) are trying to find something, tangible and or a technique, for him to be able to self soothe and not be so crazy/violent when he is tantruming.
He chews on his sleeve and puts his hand in his mouth recently, (He had a pacifier until about the age of two.) He also likes being in the dark under blankets or under tables and likes the feel of swaying or rolling movement to be soothed, basically he tends toward the feel of the womb.
Any input anyone has to help him self soothe and manage his behaviors.