Mothers tears
by Amanda
I know it's been said before, but I have to say it.... WOW!!!! The day I googled "my child doesn't like the way her clothes feel", I was at work after a very tiring morning of trying to get my daughter dressed for pre-school. The feeling of relief that I may have found the answer, seeing everyone's stories match up to my own, the joy I felt was wonderful.
I called just about everyone I could think of to let them know I wasn't alone, and she is normal, in a different way. I was beginning to think that she was bipolar, and even autistic at times, I just wasn't able to put my finger on it.
Now we go for a evaluation with a therapist this month. The only question I have for all you parents is how would you describe your child's mood on a daily basis. I still struggle wondering why she can be so moody? I have 4 other kids, and my oldest is 11 so she is the middle child more so... so I wonder if she has the middle child syndrome? Or is this all part of SPD?
Mornings are the worst because of her clothes, once we get past that... it seems like at any given second she can become upset because something didn't go her way, or you didn't do something the way she wanted, she is constantly wanting me to say things that she thinks I should respond by (and this is usually after big melt downs), she is 4 years old so some things are understandable.
By example after a melt down she may tell me she is done, done crying, and she looks for me to say "ok your done", and if don't she will cont to say that and gets upset if I don't say the right thing.... So is this part of SPD or could she have a mood disorder also?