by Lacey
My son is 6 almost 7. I have noticed many little differences in him as he's started school at age 5. His kindergarten teacher also noticed somethings that seemed to be red flags in her mind. I have had a couple Doctors look into this and have had no real results. Now in his first grade year hes falling behind terribly and all through the year his teacher has told me the same things. He cannot sit still, has hard time focusing, easily distracted by sounds or movement within the room or halls, chews excessively on his clothing, has a difficult time with other kids and making friends, complains of loud noises hurting his ears, and so on.
I am currently rechecking into ADHD and ADD, but his teacher brought to my attention the possibility of SPD. It is my understanding that these can all be linked. I am willing to try anything for my son, with the hope it will make school a little more enjoyable for him and his education wont be lacking. I have looked over the signs and symptoms check list and after reviewing it I have decided there is a strong possibility for this. I am going to bring this up with my sons doctor and hope that I can understand why he behaves this way and find a way to help him cope with it at school and at home. My only wish is help my son in any way possible to enjoy school and everything in between.