Micro Premmie
by k.j
My little boy (now 3years) was born a micro premmie(995grams) at 31 weeks due to severe Pre-eclampsia. He had very delayed
speech and has sensory processing issues with noise , texture of food ,tactile,auditory etc
He has had a number of health issues including Hydrocephalus, the hospital did several brain scans and said it should have reabsorbed into his body but hadn't at 1 and a half years old. Because it hadn't increased our paediatrician wasn't concerned and said we didn't need any more brain scans or to see him any more.
About 6 months later we saw the Child development team and the picked up on the Sensory sensitivity's and speech delays straight away. Our occupational therapist said our boy was the worst case she has seen with SPD especially with his eating habits.
From the time we began introducing him to foods he reacted badly with vomiting. He would vomit with every new texture we introduced and it was VERY hard to convince him to eat. He would only eat custard or plain yoghurt.
NOTHING with lumps in it- we had tried everything, it got so bad at one stage that he was living off 1 spoonful of food a day and we were having to put food supplements in his bottle.
He is a lot better now. When he began walking he tip toed everywhere, would scream if we took him to the beach, put him in the shower etc and often covers his ears and says "too loud!" when we hear nothing alarming.
He had completely stopped learning any new words for 6 months by the time we saw the CDC team the 2nd time but after 6 months
of speech therapy is talking in sentences.
He used to head butt walls/floors/parents so hard he would have bruises/ I would be bleeding, doesn't interact very well with children his ages or younger.(would hit/be aggressive) His cousin that is 2 years older than him is very stand offish with him, unsure of how he will respond next.
He has recently stopped needing to see the occupational therapist and speech therapist as he was doing a lot better but since we have moved homes he has gone downhill fast.
He has peeled the paint off his walls, gone toilet in his room on purpose, is constantly on the go, is not sleeping during the day most of the time(and he's so exhausted he is pale) and had not been going to bed until 10pm-12am.
He doesn't listen and nothing is getting through. He's been aggressive towards me + others and gets a horrible look in his eye when he's about to hurt someone. He grinds his teeth a lot. He has become VERY repetitive with his sentences and doesn't stop repeating it until he's ready. Loves watching ceiling fans, playing with zips + lining up things in a row.
Family members are concerned as well and we are on the waiting list to see a paediatrician because a G.P thinks he has ADHD...I have been reading and am wondering if it's more likely to be a mild form of autism?
I have read 81% of autistic children have water on the brain and 88% have SPD? I looove him to bits but am exhausted and don't know what to do.
Any advise is much appreciated..Also do you think its worth getting another brain scan?