
by Stacie
(Orlando,Florida USA)

I have tears in my eyes as I read all this information. For the past 7 years it has been a long hard road begging people to listen to me and get my son help. My son is almost 10 now and since he was 2 1/2 I noticed that he didn't like to wear clothes. He had rages if we tried to put anything on him that actually fit him. Getting him ready in the morning for school is a huge battle he is normally late and I struggle to get to work on time. He cuts everything any elastic, doesn't wear socks or underwear anything tight.Can't brush his teeth or hair with out being highly distressed.

He has been diagnosed with OCD and bipolar. But now I have a name for the other behavior. I feel as his mother who would move mountains that I actually have the word to start the fight for my son.It takes sometimes the closest to the person having issues to be their voice and make things happen.

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Aug 07, 2011
This is to answer Kelly
by: Stacie

Hi Kelly in Orlando actually we are in the same boat. I am stressing over the whole school clothes issue. My son just went to Lifeskills its a place that specializes in this area. I finally found the answer. He just was tested and the doctor is suppose to mail me the technical term for his condition. Now when we get him enrolled in school I have the paperwork to protect him and myself. You are always wondering if someone from the outside will not understand and they think you are a bad parent. Its the total opposite you are a great parent fighting for your child.When I get the answer I will let you know still waiting for the mail.

Aug 04, 2011
by: Kelly

I can understand your struggle. Now that it is time to start school again I am thinking about the clothing issue. During the summer it wasn't an issue-my 7 year old daughter basically lived in her bathing suit or pajamas. We now need to go clothes shopping and we are not looking forward to it. Do you know of any good clothing stores for this issue in Orlando-that's where we live also.

Jul 06, 2011
How is your son?
by: JC

My 5 yr old daughter exhibits the same problems with wearing clothes. She will brush her teeth but hates to have her hair combed. Did the doctors ever come up with one diagnosis for your son. I saw Bipolar, etc. but just wondered if he is on medication and/or physical therapy? God Bless.

Feb 28, 2011
by: Steve Faherty

Are you doing the New Brushing Protocol Protective Response Regime?

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