I have always known something is a bit off with my now 4 year old child...waiting for diagnosis
by Heidi
My son when he was younger would show signs that would make me aware something was different. I went through all the checklist and these are the ones he has.
hypersensivity to movement:
1. avoids/dislikes elevators or escalators.
2. he appears terrified of falling even when there is no real risk.
3. afraid of heights
4. He does not like being picked up from behind.
5. did not like being on stomach as an infant
6. fearful of activities that require good balance.
Poor muscle tone/coordination:
1. often at in a w position as a small child
Hypersensivity to sounds:
1. distracted by sounds not normally noticed by others
2. afraid of flushing toilet or hairdryer especially in public rest room.
3. runs away, cries with loud unexpected sounds
1. needs adult guidance to play...will just throw toys if by self.
1. prefers playing by self with objects rather than people.
2. does not reciprocally interact with peers or adults. hard to have a meaningful two way conversation
3. hits his head when upset
4. other people have a hard time interpreting childs cues, needs, or emotions.
The rest of the categories he did not fall into. He used to show more strange signs when he was younger but now that he is 4 he has grown out of some of them.
He used to be afraid of certain lights on the ceiling, he would be really afraid of flushing toilets and hairdryers in bathrooms, he would be really afraid of sounds coming from microphones or speakers, he would cry when people all sang together at once, he rocks his head back and forth on the ground for comfort or to fall asleep, he would spin lids on the ground day after day,
He outgrew many of these things but he is still so so behind in his language/social skills and he is not very adventurous to try and do things kids his age are doing like riding a bike, climbing stairs on a slide....he does not answer to yes or no questions or any question at all. he is making progress in putting 4 to 5 words together. he never regresses but slowly progresses but is still taking so long to catch up. his doc said he is cognitivily behind and will not catch up to his age but will always be a little behind the others.
Please let me know what you gather from this and tell me what you think.