I feel like my son is emotionally raw

by ann

My son is a 4 year old boy who is very very sensitive. He is always worry and anxious about everybody. Especially other people's safety and feelings. It seem to me like he can feel other pain and suffering in a way that others do not.He has frequent meltdown where he cries and it is very hard for him to recover.We have explore all he reasons and we are still confused.

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Jul 25, 2011
I have been there
by: Anonymous

I have been there and done that . I have watched him cry if someone so much looks at my son . Everything can be over or under stimulated . Here is my tip what foods is he intolerant to? Why how could this control his behavior . We discovered that food was the key in helping my son . It's not rocket science . But a persistence unfortunately it took us 3 years longer then where your up to to figure it out .please give a sensory diet a try . I recommend it as we have tried every type of therapy and school imaginable . It doesn't cost you anything so just change the types of food you give him . Try it for 2 weeks if it doesn't work at least you tried but we noticed results straight away .I mean immediately his anxiety and stress and over reaction went away . but when I give him milk or wheat within 2 hrs he is back to having an emotional meltdown .
For more tips email me on. Roslynchurchill@yahoo.com.au

Jul 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

some children are highly sensitive. some children are very intuitive. not necessarily a negative thing... but what options have you explored? do you have reason to be concerned because it is interfering with daily life and his ability to cope? do you think he has sensory issues? have you done the checklist on this website? if you have concerns, i would seek a professional to help you sort it out. better now than later. there is a link on this blog to help locate qualified professionals all over the country. good luck.

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