Hypersensitivity To Touch
I have a 7yo son that has a real issue with his clothes. He will NOT wear jeans.
They have to be the "sports pants" or "windbreaker" type pants. They also have to have the strings so the pants can be tied and tied VERY tight. He has other clothing issues like T-shirts where the neck has been stretched out. He will not wear them if thats the case. Socks have to be just so. We have spent hours in a store trying to find shoes that he'll wear because none of them feel right.
It becomes very frustrating and I dont know where to start with him. I try to let him just wear the clothes that are comfortable for him but sometimes I run out of clothes in the dresser because none of them feel right.
According to the checklist I have narrowed it down to Hypersensitivity To Touch. There are a few other items on the checklist that he does as well.