He liked sports and not crafts so I had to get creative with FMS.
by michelle buckner
My youngest child presented with moderate fine motor skill delay in JK, alhtough he frequently was exposed to scissors, playdough etc. I was very surprized since my older two children were cutting profiecently at the age of 2.5 and writing their names well by 3.5 He was not a "craftie guy" and so I found myself doing more gross motor skills with him without really realizing it.kicking running climbing etc ..until now.
One of the activities that I have been working on with him is using the old finger rhymes and songs. They encourage the child to isolate each finger and to add extra difficulty I get him to sing and pretend the characters in the song are flying above his head. Peter and Paul , this little piggy etc all help with fine motor strength and they also encorage practice learning and using their memory skills.Puppet shows have also helped inwhich they have to put each fingers into a mitten like toy and move the parts in isolation. He loved makin the toys run and jump, without knowing he was practicing using his fms.
I love the hide the money idea and plan to use it today.