Grandaughter, age 8 - HELP
My granddaughter started showing signs of tactile defensiveness as a toddler, especially the socks issue. But we didn't know what we were dealing with. Now, at 8 this has become a major issue and a very troubling one. The main problem now is she dislikes the feel of anything that makes her skin feel smooth, like soap and water! She panics if you even mention a bath or shower. She won't even wash her hands with soap. She will run them under water, but then not use a towel to dry them, because that makes them feel soft. If you make her use soap she will have a major meltdown, have trouble going to bed, and will hold her hands in the air for hours even as she is falling asleep because she feels they still have soap on them and it will get on the sheets, etc.
She has had a few sessions with an OT but I see this as only getting worse and affecting her self esteem,personality, relationships, hygiene (obviously!), and even nutrition, because she won't eat foods that she considers greasy. Any help out there?? Desperate Grandma.