
I am wondering if this could possibly be hereditary - I mean I don't know where it would have started but... my daughter gets extremely perturbed and upset when she hears someone eating with their mouth open, crunching or slurping and has since I can remember her talking - the thing is her daughter now has a sensitivity - not this one but smell and touch.

She has to have clothes very tight, socks feel right etc. but her mother has no sympathy for this. I am trying my best to have her take my granddaughter to get help but I think my daughter needs it as well...

Thanks, Tammy Smith

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Jan 21, 2009
I think it is!
by: Anonymous

My daughter when very young and would not wear anything that was tight around her waist and would only wear one pair of underwear. I had to wash them by hand and then put them in the dryer so they would be ready to put them on when she got done with her bath. I never understood this.

But now my granddaughter at the age of 4 was diagnosed with SPD. Her symptoms are even worse! I truly believe our daughters are in denial and just don't want to think there is any thing wrong with their kids. Keep trying to talk to your daughter, and eventually when she can't control her daughter's actions and the tantrums she will seek help from professionals. Hang in there. From one grandmother to another! Bubby

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