I am currently seeing a boy about 8 years old who has difficulty participating in activities because he says 'it hurts'. It hurts to swim without flippers, do up buttons, write, walk on flat feet (tip toes), contact sports, walking down stairs. He has been seen by a paediatrician who has eliminated possible juvenile arthritis. Anybody experienced a similar thing?
Your child may have Fibromyalgia. I did and do, and my complaints sound like your childs. It wouldn't hurt to be evauated for it.
Sep 22, 2012 Rating
Hurting by: Anonymous
Could it be Fibromyalgia? Ever since I was little I hurt. It hurt to do almost everything. The doctors poo ppoed me, said it was in my head or I was a hyprocondriac(sp. I finally decided everyone must hurt so I shut up. When I was orlder and it got so bad, I went back to the doctors. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, then I was able to learn what to do to help myself and the doctors had more tools too. Just an idea.
May 15, 2012 Rating
everything hurts by: marjory glasgow
Hi my 8yr old has similar probs. He has reduced proprioception/affects his fine motor skills,co ordination etc. He explains that when you squeeze him he feels that as comfort and being gentle and vice versa. If you gently touch him its like a punch. He has great difficulty with zips buttons pulling up clothes or pulling on. I sugest an occupational therapist assesment. Tight clothes seem to help him. Good luck.
I am working with a child who is so sensitive to the feel of paper or anything like it with a dry feel, he says. He uses a transparency paper to put under
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation