Ear obsession

by Heather
(South carolina)

My three year old out of no where is obsessed with grabbing, rubbing, snuggling ears and rubs his face on them but only certain people. He mainly does it to my husband he doesn’t do it to mine at all, he’s says mine are to hot.

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Oct 04, 2021
by: Anonymous

I’m 33 years old and I rub my husband and son ears all the time. I love when their ears are cold. When I was younger I sucked my thumb and rubbed my moms ears until I left for college.

Jun 26, 2020
Ear folding.
by: Anonymous

I have been folding my outer ear into my inner ear for 59 yrs.I am 62. I started when I was 3yrs old. I used to suck my thumb as I folded my ears. I stopped the thumb sucking..but kept folding my ears. I especially likes to fold them in when they are cold I am amazed that I am not the only one!😄

Apr 14, 2020
by: Anonymous

I'm 16 and I do the same thing I also suck my fingers too. I only like cold ears that are stretchy and fat.

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